Mirzayev Farhad
Ph.D. of physics-mathematics, Associate professor
Tel: +(994) 12 438 95 40
He was born on May the 29th in 1958 in Yardimli.
In 1965-1975 studied in Yardimli at school №1
In 1975-1980 studied on the faculty of physics of Baku State University.
In 1980-2009 research scientist at the ANASA.
In 1987-1991 studied postgraduate at the Institut of Agrophysics in St.Petersburg.
Since 2009 till now works at the BSU.
He is married,has a child. At the present time he works as physician and researcher in hospital BEZMI-ALEM in Turkey, city Istambul.
In 1975-1980 student of the faculty of physics of BSU
Ph.D., Associate professor
In 1980-2009 research scientist at the ANASA.
Since 2009 works at the BSU on the sub-faculty of Mathematical economics and modelling of economic-ecologycal sistems as Associate professor
Teaches following subjects: The Basis of Ecology, Strategy Planning, The Economics of Agrerian Field, The Systematic Approach to Accepting Decision in Economics, The modeling of economic-ecological development, The Systematic analysis of management of resources and etc.
Economic ecology
2003, Moscow, The Generalphysics Conference of land-reclamation and soil physics.
2009, Baku, The 10th Ecoenergetics International Congress of “Energy, ecology, economics”
2010, Baku, The third International Conference “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics” PCI.
2014. Azerbaijan, Baku. 2nd International Conference of Water Technologies Caspian.
2014. Turkey, city Sparta., XV International Conference of the Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics.
2015. Turkey. city Edirne., XVI International Conference of the Econometrics, operations research and statistics.
2016. Turkey. city Sivas., XVII International Conference of the Econometrics, operations research and statistics.
2020, 20-th International Sympozium on Econometrics, Operations and Statistics.,Proceedings of the 20th İnternational Sympozium on Econometrics , Operations Research and Statistics .Ankara , 2020, p.1
1983Moscow ,Journal Research of Earth from Space, N 3, pp/69-74, “The statistical characteristics of spectral structuwe of atmospheric thickness at various optical condition of an atmosphere”
2007, Moscow,Journal Research of Earth from Space, “About inconstancy of components of radiation balance over the Caucasus Caspian region according to satellite data” N 3, p 34-36
2009,AMAKA-nın xəbərləri, cild 12, N 2 (12), “Bəzi ekoloji – iqtisadi proseslərdə qeyri-səlis amillərin identifikasiyası haqqında. səh.36-40
2009, Naxçıvan, NDU-nun elmi əsərləri, “Texnogen iqtisadi inkişafın bəzi mühüm xüsusiyyətləri və onun Azərbaycanda ətraf mühitin çirklənməsinə səbəb olan nəticələrinin tədqiqi” .
2011, Астана, Экономика, финансы, исследования, Ежеквартальный экономический журнал, Казахстан ISSN 1813-3983, с 14-17, № 3(23), Methods for estimating the basic parameters of the national economy.
2014. Sinqapur, Research Journal of Science IT Management, RISITM, Volume 03, Number 1, "A graph theory of one method for Fuzzy Ordering and Fuzzy Numbers"
2014. USA, Management Studies, N 8, p. 541-547, On Fuzzy Modeling in Management.
2015. SYLWAN, Poland, 159, 8, Date Aug, 2015, About econometric study of some of the factors affecting econometric growth.
2015. Sinqapur, Research Journal of Science IT management, 2015, vol 4, N4, p. 44-49, On Fuzzy Modeling in Management.
2015. Methodical instructions. Application of the theory of dynamical systems to dynamic models of economechics., Baku, 2015, p.12
2015. Methodical instructions on discipline "Mathematical modeling in the economics ", Baku, 2015, 12 p.
2015. Methodical instructions. "System analysis in management.", Baku, 2015, 12 p.
2015. Methodical instructions on discipline "System analysis in management.", Baku, 2015, 16 p.
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, M.Y.Yusifov, N.A.Guliyeva, S.A.Ismayilova. Ecological pollution and sustainable economic development in Azerbaijan, JIBS Journal of International Business Studies, No.9 (2), December, Volume 47, 2016, p. 1658-1668.}
2017, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, N.M.Baxishov. International Conference on Multidisciplinary, Engineering, Science, Education and Technology (IMESET'17 Baku), July 12-14 , 2017, Baku, Azerbaijan, p. 53 - 54.
2017, F.A.Mirzayev, Sh.A.Abbasova, B.S.Mamadov. Econometric modeling of human capital, Human Development Index, International Conference on Multidisciplinary, Engineering, Science, Education and Technology (IMESET'17 Baku) Hosted by Azerbaijan Technical University July 12-14, 2017, Baku, Azerbaijan, p. 66 - 67.
2017, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, E.N.Nagiyev, N.E.Guliyeva. Standards of Busy and Living Standards in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Independence Years), IMOFE'17, International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia, April 27, 30, 2017, Barcelona, p. 65 - 66.
2017, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, N.M.Baxishov. Independence Years and Azerbaijan's Activity in Foreign Countries, IMOFE'17, International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia, April 27, 30, 2017, Barcelona, p. 67 - 68.
2017, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, Sh.A.Abbasova. Basic modeling of the basic socio-economic development of the non-determinants of the non-determinants of the conditions of the International Conference «Actual problems of applied mathematics and physics», May, 17 - 21, 2017, Nalchik - Terskol, p. 149 - 150.
2017, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, Sh.A.Abbasova, N.A.Guliyeva. Some of the most important factors of the economy as a factor in the sustainable economic life of the International Mathematical Methods and Informational Conference Technology of Macroeconomic Analysis and Economic Policy ", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the academician NAN RK Abdykappar Ashimovich Ashimova, 11 - 12 April, 2017 года, г. Almaty, p. 75 - 80.
2017, Reyhan Shikhlinskaya, Farhad Mirzayev, Arzu Safarova, Narmin Khuliyeva, Applying the theory of fuzzy time series in the USD / AZN, 5th International Fuzzy Systems Symposium 2017, program and abstracts, October 14-15, 2017, Ankara, Turkey, p. 55.
2017, Tahir Khaniyev, Bahar Bashkırch, Farhad Mirzayev, Fikri Gokpınar. Statistical Distribution functions of type - 2 fuzzy numbers, 5th International Fuzzy Systems Symposium 2017, program and abstracts, October 14-15, 2017, Ankara, Turkey, p. 84.
2020. F.Mirzayev , M.Yusifov, S.İsmayilova , N.Khuliyeva , S. Karimova “ Econometric modeling connection between ecological pollutization and human development index in Azerbaijan “.
2002, Light appearances in atmosphere
2005, General ecology
2010, Math models of economics. Subject program
2011, Microeconomics. Subject programs
2011, Macroeconomics. Subject programs
2011, Program by subject Mathematical and equipmental methods of economics for the accepting to doctoral and dissertate 08.00.13
2012, Mathematical modeling in economical processes. (Theory, model processes, tests) Text-book, BAKU, "ADİLOĞLU"
2013, Mathematical modeling in economic processes. Curriculum (in Azerb. lang.) Second edition processed and completed. Baku, “ADİLOGLU”, p. 256.
2013, Application of the theory of dynamical systems to dynamic models of economic development. Curriculum for masters. Baku, “Muallim”, p. 12.
2013, System analysis in administrative activity. Curriculum for masters (in Azerb. and Russian lang.). Baku, “Muallim”, p. 8.
2013, Mathematical modeling in economics. Curriculum for bachelors. Baku, “Muallim”,2013, p. 12.
2013, Econometrics. Curriculum for masters. Baku, p. 12.
2013, Program on the subject of accounting and audit basis. Baku, p. 12.
2013, Program on the subject of information and communication technologies in business. Baku, p.12.
2014,Program disciplines taught at the Department of Economic Cybernetics (master's level), Baku, 56 p.
206, F.A.Mirzayev, Sh.A.Abbasova. Economics, Program, Baku, 2016, p.8.
2016. F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, Sh.A.Abbasova, N.A.Guliyeva, B.Sh.Shamilova. Economic-mathematical methods and models, Program, Baku, p.8.
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, Sh.A.Abbasova. Modeling of Economic-Mathematical Models and Ecological Factors, Program, Baku, p.6.
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, N.A.Guliyeva, N.M.Baxishov. Financial Mathematics and Informatics, Program, Baku, p.8.
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, N.F.Kazimov, N.R.Aliyev. Information support of economic activity, Program, Baku, p.8.
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, N.A.Guliyeva. Application of Econometric Modeling in Economic Research, Program, Baku, p.8.
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, R.Y.Shikhlinskaya. Discrete mathematical models and their application in social, biological and ecological issues, Program, Baku, p.8.
2016. F.A.Mirzayev, Sh.A.Abbasova. Economics, Program, Baku, 8c.
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, N.A.Guliyeva, N.M.Baxishov. Finance Mathematics and Information, Program, Baku, 8c.
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, Sh.A.Abbassova, N.A.Guliyeva. Economical and mathematical models and modeling of ecological factors, Program, Baku, 8c.
2017, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, R.Y.Shikhlinskaya. The theory of fuzzy logic, Program, Baku, p.12.
2017, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, R.Y.Shiklinskaya. Theory of Unmatched Logic, Program, Baku, 16c.
2017. F.A.Mirzayev, Sh.A.Abbasova, N.A.Guliyeva. Econometrics, Program, Baku, p.10.
2018, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Khuliev , N.A.Khuliyeva Mathematical models in ecomics.Proqram, Baku, p.16
2020, F.A.Mirzayev , R.Y.Shixlinskaya Soft komputinq Proqram, Baku. P.12
2020, F.A.Mirzayev, N.A.Khuliyeva , S.R.Valiyeva Finansial mathematics, Proqram, Baku, p.8