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Çərkəz Ağayeva

Elmi dərəcəsi və hal hazirda BDU-da tutduğu vəzifəsi
Fizika-riyaziyyat elmləri namizədi, dosent
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neçənci ildə hansı universiti bitirib, 1982, Azərbaycan Dövlət Universiteti
namizədlik dissertasiyasının mövzusu və müdafiyə etdiyi il, Gecikən arqumentli stoxastik sistemlərin optimallığı üçün zəruri şərtlər, 1992.
doktorluq dissertasiyasının mövzusu və müdafiyə etdiyi il

Əmək fəaliyyəti
BDU, AMEA Kibernetika İnstitutu, Yaşar Universiteti, İzmir.
neçənci ildən BDU-da hansı kafedrada çalışır, 1997-2000 Əməliyyatlat tədqiqi və modelləşmə, 2000- indiyədək Ehtimal nəzəriyyəsi və riyazi statistika, Stoxastik prosessler, Ehtimal nəzəriyyəsi və riyazi statistika, Zaman siralari və tətbiqləri, Regressiya analizi dərsləri aparır,
30-a yaxınm əqalə
yetişdirdiyi elimlər namizədlərinin və doktorların sayı 1 elmlər namizədi
həyata keçirdiyi təcürbələr və elmi yenilikləri haqqında, mükafatları haqqında qısa məlumat

Stoxastik idarəetmə sistemləri, Stoxastik optimizasiya məsələləri, Stoxastik idareetme problemləri

1. Agayeva Ch.A., "A maximum principle for one stochastic control problem with variable delay on phase and on control , Abstracts of the International Conference "Modern problems and new trends in probability theory", Chernivtsi, Ukraine,2005
2. Agayeva Ch.A., Allahverdieva J.E. "The necessary conditions of optimality of stochastic systems with variable delay on state and on control" , Proceedings of the International Conference: « Control problem and applications " Minsk, 2005.
3. Agayeva Ch.A., "Necessary condition of optimality for stochastic systems with variable delay on control", Abstracts of the International Conference "Modern stochastics:theory and applications",Kyiv, Ukraine, 2006.
4. Agayeva Ch.A.,Abushov Q.," Necessary and sufficient condition of optimality for linear stochastic control systems with variable structure", Abstracts of the International Conference "Modern stochastics:theory and applications",Kyiv, Ukraine, 2006.
5. Agayeva Ch.A. "A maximum principle for one stochastic optimal control problem with constant delays ", Conference Proceedings of the 5-th Annual Hawaii International conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields", Hawaii, January 16-18, 2006. (http://www.hicstatistics.org).
6. Morali N., Agayeva Ch.A. Necessary condition of optimality for singular controls of stochastic delay system Abstracts of the International Conference "Skorokhod space 50 years on",Kyiv, Ukraine, June, 2007, p.61-62.
7. Agayeva Ch., Abushov G. Necessary condition of optimality for stochastic control systems with variable structure, Proceedings of the 20-th International Conference "Continuous, Optimization and Knowledge - based technologies.", EurOPT' 2008, Lithuania, May 2008, pp.77-81.
8. Agayeva Ch. The necessary condition of optimality for some singular stochastic control system with variable delay. Abstracts of the International Conference Differential equations and topology", Moskow, Russia, June, 2008, p.214-215.

1. Agayeva Ch.A. On one stochastic control problem with control delay., Proceedings of IMM of Azerbaijan AS,vol. XXII (XXX), Baku,2005.
2. Agayeva Ch.A. The necessary condition of optimality for one stochastic control problem with constant delay on control , Transactions of the NASA, Informatics and control problems Baku, 2005, №2.
3. Agayeva Ch.A.,Abushov Q., Linear-square stochastic optimal control problem with variable delay on control and state" Transactions ANAS, math.- ph. series, informatics and control problems, Baku, 2005, № 3.
4. Agayeva Ch.A. A necessary condition for one stochastic optimal control problem with constant delay on control and state , Transactions ANAS , mathematics and mechanics series of physical-technical & mathematical science, Baku, 2006, XXVI.
5. Agayeva Ch.A. Necessary condition of optimality for stochastic systems with constants delays, Transactions ANAS, math.- ph. series, informatics and control problems, Baku, 2006, № 2, XXVI.
6. Agayeva Ch.A. A maximum principle for one stochastic optimal control problem with constant delay on control . News of Baku University, phys.-math. sciences series, Baku, 2006, № 1.
7. Agayeva Ch.A., Abushov Q.U. A necessary condition of optimality for one stochastic control problem with variable structure. Transactions ANAS , mathematics and mechanics series of physical-technical & mathematical science, Baku, 2006, XXVI, № 3.
8. Agayeva Ch.A., Stochastic optimal control problem with delay, Theory of stochastic prosesses, Kiev,2006, N 1-2, V.12(28).
9. Agayeva Ch.A. II order necessary condition of optimality of stochastic systems with delay, Reports of NAS of Azerbaijan, LXIII, №2, 2007.
10. Agayeva Ch.A., On one stochastic optimal control problem with variable delay, Theory of stochastic prosesses, Kiev,2007, N 1-2, V.13(29).
11. Agayeva Ch.A., Allahverdiyeva J.J. On one stochastic optimal control problem with variable delays, Theory of stochastic prosesses, Kiev, 2007, N 3, V.13(29).

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