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Quliyev Rafiq

Ph.D. of physics-mathematics, Associate professor
Tel: +(994) 12 438 95 40

He was born on August the 15th in 1956 in Djalilabad.
In 1963-1970 studied in Djalilabad at school #1
In 1973-1978 studied on the faculty of mechanical mathematics of Baku State University.
In 1978-1983 was in Ural Science Center (Ekaterinburq) as a researcher,later as a Ph. D. Student.
In 1983-1988 worked as a Research scientist at the University of Cybernetics Of NA .
Since 1988 till now works at the BSU.
He is married,has 3 children.

In 1973-1978 student of the faculty of mechanical mathematics of BSU
In 1985 he defended Ph.D. thesis on theme: «İnformasiya yaddaşlı idarəetmə məsələlərində proqram iterasiyaları metodu»

In 1978-1988 research scientist at the University Of Cybernetics Of NA.
In 1988-1996 Senior research scientist ,Chief research scientist at the BSU
Since 1996 works at the BSU on the sub-faculty of Mathematical economics and modelling of economic-ecologycal sistems as Associate professor
Teaches following subjects: Mathematical models of economics, Fuzzy solutions in economic researches
Author of 45 research papers and 5 books.
For activeness In 2001 in the USA in Washington on the 42nd International Olympiad of mathematics between schoolchildren was rewarded with diploma of The Ministery of Education Of Azerbaijan.

Mathematical economics, modelling.

1987,Sverdlovsk, Conference of young mathematicians.
1991, Baku, «негладкий анализ и его приложения в экономике» Scientific Conference
1994, Tabriz, İran;Scientific Conference on theme «The International Conference of Application of fuzzy systems.ICAFS-94 »
1995,Zandjan,Iran"The First Joint Seminar on Applied mathematics. "
2000,Saint-Petersburg, The Third International Conference " Differential equations and applications."
2002,Baku,3rd International seminar of Applied Mathematics
2004,Baku,International scientific - technical conference "Modern problems of social-economical development and IT"
2004,Ekaterinburg, Russian conference on theme: «Algorythmic analysis of non-resistant problems»

2003, Об одной оптимизационной модели с нечеткими параметрами
2004, О регрессионном моделировании в условиях нечеткой информации в финансовом деле.
2004, Об одной бюджетной модели с нечеткими параметрами (на примере Азерб. Респуб.)
2004, İqtisadiyyatın dövlət tənzimlənməsi(fənn proqramı)
2004, Некоторые оптимизационные модели эколого- экономического характера с нечеткими параметрами.
2005, Environmental monitoring of Caspian oil fields. Neü paradigm. Neü solutions
2006, Об основных принципах моделирования нечеткой неопределенности в финансовом деле.
2007,О нечеткой идентификаций неопределенных факторов в эколого- экономическом и финансовом моделировании.
2007,Yığim və vergitutma məsələlərinin təhlilinə dair
2008,Riyaziyyatdan olimpiada iştirakçıları üçün 200 variant.
2014. Sinqapur, Research Journal of Science IT Management, RISITM, Volume 03, Number 1, "A graph theory of one method for Fuzzy Ordering and Fuzzy Numbers"
2014. USA, Management Studies, N 8, p. 541-547, On Fuzzy Modeling in Management.
2015. SYLWAN, Poland, 159, 8, Date Aug, 2015, About econometric study of some of the factors affecting econometric growth.
2015. Sinqapur, Research Journal of Science IT management,  2015, vol 4, N4, p. 44-49, On Fuzzy Modeling in Management.
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, N.M.Baxishov, R.T.Aliyev. The importance of the subject of financial mathematics, The materials of the Republican Scientific Conference on "Quality assurance in higher education" of Lankaran State University, 23-27 December, p. 288 - 290.
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, N.M.Baxishov. International Conference on Multidisciplinary, Engineering, Science, Education and Technology (IMESET'17 Baku), July 12-14 , Baku, Azerbaijan, p. 53 - 54.
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, E.N.Nagiyev, N.E.Guliyeva. Standards of Busy and Living Standards in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Independence Years), IMOFE'17, International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia, April 27, 30, , Barcelona, ​​p. 65 - 66.
2016,F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, N.M.Baxishov. Independence Years and Azerbaijan's Activity in Foreign Countries, IMOFE'17, International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia, April 27, 30,  Barcelona, ​​p. 67 - 68.
2016,F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, Sh.A.Abbasova. Basic modeling of the basic socio-economic development of the non-determinants of the non-determinants of the conditions of the International Conference «Actual problems of applied mathematics and physics», May, 17 - 21,  Nalchik - Terskol, p. 149 - 150.
2017, R.K.Isgandarov, Sh.A.Abbasova, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev. Estimation and analysis of econometric models among key factors of the socio-economic development indicators, the prominent economist, scientist, professor, State Prize winner Shamil Aliabba materials of the republican scientific conference "Expansion of innovation activity in the non - oil sector of Azerbaijan" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of his son Samedzade, Baku, p. 297 - 299.
2017, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, Sh.A.Abbasova, N.A.Guliyeva. Some of the most important factors of the economy as a factor in the sustainable economic life of the International Mathematical Methods and Informational Conference Technology of Macroeconomic Analysis and Economic Policy ", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the academician NAN RK Abdykappar Ashimovich Ashimova, 11 - 12 April,  Almaty, p. 75 - 80.
2017, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, M.Y.Yusifov, Sh.M.Kerimova. Ecological pollution with human development index in uncertainty, Collection of scientific works on problems of labor and social problems, Baku,  p., N2 (20).

1993,The increased level of prolems and tests in mathematics (azeri and russian versions)
1998, 50 variants for participants of olympiada of mathematics
2001, Elements of Applied Economics
2008, 200 variants for participants of olympiada of mathematics.
2012, Mathematical modeling in economical processes. (Theory, model processes, tests) Text-book, BAKU, "ADİLOĞLU".
2013, Mathematical modeling in economic processes. Curriculum (in Azerb. lang.) Second edition processed and completed. Baku, “ADİLOGLU”,  p. 256.
2013, Application of the theory of dynamical systems to dynamic models of economic development. Curriculum for masters. Baku, “Muallim”,2013, p. 12.
2013, System analysis in administrative activity. Curriculum for masters (in Azerb. and Russian lang.). Baku, “Muallim”, p. 8.
2013, Mathematical modeling in economics. Curriculum for bachelors. Baku, “Muallim”, p. 12.
2014,Program disciplines taught at the Department of Economic Cybernetics (master's level), Baku, 56 p
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, Sh.A.Abbasova, N.A.Guliyeva, B.Sh.Shamilova. Economic-mathematical methods and models, Program, Baku,  p.8.
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, Sh.A.Abbasova. Modeling of Economic-Mathematical Models and Ecological Factors, Program, Baku, p.6.
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, N.F.Kazimov, N.R.Aliyev. Information support of economic activity, Program, Baku, p.8.
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, N.A.Guliyeva. Application of Econometric Modeling in Economic Research, Program, Baku, p.8.
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, R.Y.Shikhlinskaya. The theory of fuzzy logic, Program, Baku,  p.12.
2016, F.A.Mirzayev, R.M.Guliyev, R.Y.Shiklinskaya. Theory of Unmatched Logic, Program, Baku,  16c.

There was published a book "200 variants for participants of olympiada of mathematics"("Təhsil" nəşr.,2008,388 pages.)by order of the Ministery of Education in the frames of „State program for development of potential of creativity of youth" by the order of the President of Azerbaijan Republic dated by 17th of April of 2006
Program disciplines taught at the Department of Economic Cybernetics (master's level), Baku 2014, 56 p
2014. Turkey, city Sparta., XV International Conference of the  Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics.

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