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Ahmadov Hikmat Inshalla oglu

Associate Professor Department of Mathematical Physics
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Science

Date of birth : 21.07.1966
Place of birth : Bilasuvar, Azerbaijan
1973-1983 - a pupil of secondary school N 1, Bilasuvar,Azerbaijan

1997: Ph.D., "Differential Equations", Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan
1992: M. Sc. (with highest honors), Department of Mathematical Physics, Faculty of Applied
Mathematics and Cybernetics, BSU
From 1993 to 1996: postgraduate student, Department of Mathematical Physics, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, BSU
From 1987 to 1992 : student, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, BSU
Baku State University

From 2008 to present: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Physics,Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan
From 2000-2008: Senior teacher, Department of Mathematical Physics,Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan
From 1996-2000: Teacher, Department of Mathematical Physics,Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan

The method of solution partial differential equations. The spectiral theory of the ordinary differential operators.

2003, September-October, Anzali, Iran; IPM String School and Workshop

1.V.H.Badalov,H.I.Ahmadov,S.V.Badalov,Analytical solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation with the Wood-Saxon potential for arbitrary l-state. News Baku State University,N2,pp.257-266,2008.
2.V.H.Badalov,H.I.Ahmadov,A.I.Ahmadov, Analytical solutions of the Schredinger equation with the Wood-Saxon potential for arbitrary l-state.
In press Int. Journal Modern Physics E,2009.
3.Hikmat Ahmadov,On Solvability of the Cauchy problem for second order
parabolic equation degenerating ib Schrodinger types.
4. Hikmat Ahmadov, On distribution of Zeros of some entire functions.
5.Yu.A.Mamedov,H.I.Ahmadov,Almost regularity conditions of spectral problems for a second order equation. Arxiv:math-ph/0212073
6.Yu.A.Mamedov,H.I.Ahmadov,Almost regularity conditions of spectral problems for a second order equation. Communication of Theoretical Physics.,pp.649-657,2004
7.Yu.A.Mamedov,H.I.Ahmadov, Investigation of one-dimensional mixed problem for correct Petrovsky the second order equation. Preprint IF NANA,N5,1996, 56.p
8. An analytical solutions of the  Klein  – Gordon equation for a 2D pion atom moving in a constant uniform magnetic field. Russian Physics Journal, Vol 52.No.3 ,2009, 321-327 səh.
9. Any l-state analitical solutions of the klein-gordon equation for the woods-saxon potential. International  journal of modern physics e.vol.is.n.7.(2010)   1463-1475
10. On Distribution of Zeros of some Quazipolynoms. Arxiv: 1111. 0392v1, [math-ph] 2 nov 2011, 7 səh
12. Analytical solutions of the Scrodinger equation with the Manning-Rosen potential plus a Ring-Shaped like potential”."arxiv":12.10.55//vı.math-physics.19 October 2012.
13. İnt.J.Modern physics  A vol 30 no.32(2015)  1550193. İmpakt factor-1.699 B Kateqoriya
14. H. I. Ahmadov, M.V. Qocayeva, T.H. Aliyeva, and E.A. Dadashov. Analaytical solutions of the Schrödinger equation for the Hulthén plus ring-shaped like potential. Journal of Baku Engineering University-Physics, 2017. Volume 1, Number 2, pages 199-209
15. H. I. Ahmadov, M. V. Qocayeva,
N. Sh. Huseynova. Int. J. Modern Physics E, Vol. 26, No. 5 (2017) 1750028 (18 pages
17. Ю. А. Мамедов, Х.И. Ахмедов, Об одной смешанной задаче для уравнения теплопроводности с опережением времени в граничных условиях., ,Изв.вузов. Математика, 2020, №3, с. 29-47.
18. Y.A.Mammadov, H.I.Ahmedov, Solution of one mixed problem for a nonhomogeneous heart equation with time advance in the boundary conditions, National academy of science of Azerbaijan, 2020, №1-2, т.LXXVI, с. 19-22.
19. H.I. Ahmedov, Analytical representation of the solution of a mixed problem with constant coefficients with time shift in the boundary conditious. News of Baku University, Series of physico-mathematical sciences, 3, 2020, pp.29-33.
20. H.I.Ahmedov, The solution of a mixed problem for a parabolic type equation with general form confidents under unconventional boundary conditions. Azerbaijan Journal of mathematics, V13, №1, 2023, pp.172-187.

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