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Amirova Leyla Ikram

Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences
Lecturer of  Department of Informatics
e-mail: [email protected]

Was born in 18.08.1975 in Baku.
Educated in school №20, Baku, in 1982-1992 years.
Graduated from Mechanical-mathematical faculty of Baku State University in 1997.
Since 1997  began to work at the Institute of Applied Mathematics BSU.
1998-2001 – Post-graduated student at the department of Differential and integral equations of Mechanical-mathematical faculty of BSU.
Since  2007  she is a member of New Azerbaijan Party.
Married, has two children.

1992-1997 – Graduated from Mechanical-mathematical faculty of Baku State University.
In 2001 she defended Ph.D thesis «On a solution of a class of second order operator-differential equations  and connected spectral problems».

1997-1999- assistant- Institute of Applied Mathematics, BSU, Department of “Inverse problems and non-linear equations”.
1999-2006 – Junior researcher – Institute of Applied Mathematics, BSU, Department of “Information calculation systems”.
2006 – present – teacher – Department of “Informatics”, faculty of “Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics”, BSU.

1.L.I.Amirova. On a completeness of a part of eigenvectors and jointvectors of the second order operator-polynomial bunches. The Second International Conference “Tools for Mathematical Modelling”, june 14-19, Book of Abstrakts, Saint-Petersburg, 1999, 11-19.
2. Амирова Л.И.“О нормальной разрешимости одной краевой задачи для операторно-дифференциальных уравнений II порядка”  Материалы научной конференции, посвященной 85-летию заслуженного деятеля науки, профессора А.Ш.Габибзаде, Баку, 2001, s.20-21.
3. M.S.Khalilov, L.I.Amirova. The network environment of distributed learning system. PROCEEDINGS of the International Symposium on Advances in Applied Mechanics and Modern Information Technology 2011,  (ISAAM&MIT’11) deducated to the 20th Anniversary of the Reaffirmation of the Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan 22-23 september 2011, Baku, Azerbaijan, p.197-199.
4. Gasimov Y.S., Allahverdiyeva N.A., Amirova L.I. “On a convexity property of the eigenfrequency of the clamped plate” Bakı Dövlət Universiteti Mexanika-riyaziyyat fakültəsi. Əməkdar elm xadimi, professor Əmir Şamil oglu Həbibzadənin anadan olmasının 100-cü ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Funksional analiz və onun tətbiqləri” adlı respublika elmi konfrassın materialları, Bakı-2016, s.25-27.

1.Мирзоев С.С.,Амирова Л.И. О существовании голоморфных решений операторно-дифференциальных уравнений эллиптического типа второго порядка. Известия АН Азербайджана, серия физ.-матем. и тех. наук, Баку, 1998, том XVIII, №2, s.61-66.
2. Амирова Л.И. О полноте голоморфных убывающих элементарных решений одного класса операторно-дифференциальных уравнений второго порядка. ДАН Азербайджана, Баку, 1999, том LV, №3-4, s.20-25.
3.  L.I.Amirova. On a completeness of a part of eigenvectors and jointvectors of the second order operator-polynomial bunches. The Second International Conference “Tools for Mathematical Modelling”, june 14-19, Book of Abstrakts, Saint-Petersburg, 1999.,p.11.
4. L.I.Amirova.  On the solvability boundary-value problems for a class of second order operator-differential equations. Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Baku, 1999, v XI, s.16-20.
5. L.I.Amirova. On the conpleteness of a part of eigen and  adjoint vectors of a second order operator boundless class. Transactions of AS Azerbaijan, Baku, 2000, №4,v.XX, s.23-29.
6. L.I.Amirova., Guseynov M.M.On some properties of holomorphic solutions of the class of second order operator-differential equations.  Proceedings of IMM of Azerb. AS, Baku, 2000, v.XIII (XXI), s.10-15.
7. Амирова Л.И. О нормальной разрешимости одной краевой задачи для операторно-дифференциальных уравнений II порядка. Материалы научной конференции, посвященной 85-летию заслуженного деятеля науки, профессора А.Ш.Габибзаде, Баку, 2001, s.20-21.
8. L.I.Amirova. On one disturbances theory problem for boundary value problems of operator-differentials equations of the second order. Transactions of  National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, series of physical-technical and mathematical sciences, v.XXII, №1, 2002, s.36-44.
9. L.I.Amirova. On solvability of a class of fourth order operator-differentials equations. Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan  Issue mathematics and mechanics series of physical-technical & mathematical science, XXVI, №4, Baku, 2006, s.55-62.
10. İnformatika fənninin ixtisaslar üzrə proqramı. Bakalavr pilləsi, Bakı 2007. Tərtib edənlər: Dos. M.S.Xəlilov, Dos. A.İ.Qurbanov, Dos. C.S.Abdullayev, f.r.e.n. Z.Ə.Şamilov, f.r.e.n. N.Ə.Quliyev, f.r.e.n. L.İ.Əmirova, K.Ə.Mahmudova, t.e.n. N.Ə.Həsənova.
11. M.Mutallimov, R.Zulfugarova, L.Amirova.  Sweep algorithm for solving optimal control with multi-point boundary conditions. Advances in Difference Equations (2015) a Springer Open Journal, 28 july 2015, 2015:233,13 s.
12.İnformatika fənninin proqramı. Tərtib edənlər:dos. M.S.Xəlilov, t.e.n., b.m.N.Ə.Həsənova, dos. N.Ə.Quliyev, f.r.e.n. L.İ.Əmirova, b.m.İ.B.Dadaşova.
13. Gasimov Y.S., Allahverdiyeva N.A., Amirova L.I. On a convexity property of the eigenfrequency of the clamped plate. Международная конференция по дифференциальным уравнениям и динамическим системам. Суздаль, 8-12 июля 2016 г., p.254-255.

1. М.С.Халилов,Л.И.Амирова, К.А.Махмудова. Социальная информатика, Учебное пособие, Баку, 2007, 113 səh.
2. M.S.Xəlilov, L.İ.Əmirova. Komputer şəbəkələri. Metodiki göstəriş, Bakı-2012, 32 s.
3. М.С.Халилов, Л.И.Амирова. Основы информатики. Учебник, Баку-2013, 270 s.
4. M.S.Xəlilov, N.Ə.Həsənova, L.İ.Əmirova. Windows 7 MS-Office 2010. Dərs vəsaiti, dərs vəsaiti, 185 s.
5. М.С.Халилов, Л.И.Амирова. Основы информатики. Учебник, Баку-2016, 320 s.

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