Equations of mathematical physics department.
Established in 1961 under name «General mathematics» and in 1964 was changed by «Equations of mathematical physics» . The great role for establishing and developing of the department belongs to academician M.L.Rasulov.
Head of the department is the corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of math,prof. Mamedov Yusif Abulfat.
The staff of the department:
- academician Mamedov Yu.A.
- c.m.s., associate professor Khankishiyev Z.F.
- c.m.s., associate professor Mamedova N.Q.
- c.m.s., associate professor Ahmadov Kh.I.
- c.m.s., associate professor Abbasova A.Kh.
- c.m.s., associate professor Ahmadov S.Z
Teaching subjects:
- Differential equation.
- Equations of mathematical physics.
- Contrary problems. of mathematical physics.
- Methods of solution of the partial differential equations.
- Spectrial theory of ordinary differential equations.
- Theory of different scheme.
- Scientific directions of the depatment.
- Spectral theory of ordinary differential equations
Research of the boundary problem for the liner and nonlinear partial differential equations.
Recent publications of the depatment.
- Əsədova O.H. Riyazi fizika tənlikləri, Metodik dərs vəsaiti. BDU nəşriyyatı,1990;
- Əliyev N.Ə.,BağırovГ.А. Дискретный аддитивный анализ. Монография. Город Тебриз, 1994,ИИР.
- Асадова О.Г.,Мамедова Н.Г.Уравнения математической физики, из-во БГУ, 1998 (student book).
- Джалилов К.А, Бахышов Р.А, Тагиев Р.К., Абдуррахманова М.П. Дифференцирование в примерах. Dərs vəsati Баку , изд-во Араз , 2001. ( teaching appliances ).
- Məmmədova N.Q. Дифференциальные уравнения в вопросах и ответах. Metodik dərs vəsaiti.BDU nəşriyyatı,2003.
- Məmmədov Y.Ə.,Xankişiyev Z.F. Differensial tənliklər. 2009,( teaching appliances ).
The international scientific ties:
Moscow University (Russia), KSU (Ukrainian Republic), BSU , and a number of Universities of the Russian Federation and Ukrainian Republic, and also Germany, Turkey and Islamic Republic of Iran. In recent years the members of the department have taken part in international conferences in Tbilisy, Novosybirsk, Zanjan, Shiraz, Athens, Moscow, St.Petersburg.
Address of the department: 23 Z.Khalilov Str, Baku, BSU, room 314