Eyvazov Elshad Hatam oqli
Doctor mathematical sciences, professor
Work phone number: :+(994) 12 38 25 18
Phone: +(994) 12 568 37 91
Mob: +(994) 050 540 03 63
a-mail: eyvazovelshad@mail.ru, eyvazovelshad@gmail.com
He was born on the first of April in 1949 in Bekle village of Shemakhi district.
He has studied at the village school during 1955-1966 years.
He has continued studying at the branch of Mathematics of the faculty of BSU during 1967-1972 years.
He had military service during 1972-1974.
He had been a post graduate at the institute of Mechanics and Mathematic of Azerbaijan AS during 1974-1977.
He worked at the institute of Mechanics and Mathematic of Azerbaijan AS during 1980-1985.
He is working at the department of applied mathematics of BSU.
He is married and have two children.
2017 up to now professor
1979- 2017 y., c.s.p.-m,docent
1967-1972 y. , student , faculty of mechanics and mathematics ,BSU
On December 27th, 2016, at the meeting of the dissertational council D 01.111 on awarding the degree of Doctor of Science and Ph.D. in mathematics under the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "On the spectral properties of certain differential operators of quantum mechanics" on Specialties 1211.01-Differential Equations.
Since 20.02.2018, Professor of the Department of "Applied Mathematics" of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics of the Baku State University.
From 1990 y., t now, docent, department of applied mathematics, faculty of applied mathematics and cybernetics, BSU.
1985-1990 y., head teacher, department of applied mathematics, faculty of applied mathematics and cybernetics, BSU.
1980-1985 y., head scientific worker , Differential Equations Department of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of AS of Azerbaijan.
1977-1980 y., little scientific worker, Differential Equations Department of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of AS of Azerbaijan.
Teaching subjects : "Mathematical Analysis", "Applied Functional Analysis", "Numerical Analysis", "Algebra and Geometry".
Spectral properties of the operators with generalized coefficients.
1. Разложение по собственным функциям оператора Шредингера с потенциалом порожденным мерой, Тр. IV конф. Молодых ученых (математика), Баку. 1983.
2. О существовании и асимптотическом поведении решений задачи Неймана для уравнения Пуассона в многомерном слое, Известия АН Азерб. сер. физ.-мат. и тех наук, Т. XX, № 1, конф.посвящ. 70-летию акад. Ф.Максудова. с.9-17, 2000, ( Асланов Г.И.)
3. Об индексе дефекта оператора Шредингера с обобщенным потенциалом, Матер.научн. конф. «Современные проблемы прикладной математики», стр.220-223. Баку. 2002.
4. About the indexes of defects of differential equations of high orders with constant coefficients in multivariate oblasts , Theses of the conference devoted 70 years anniversary of the member-correspondent of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan , honored scientific worker , doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor Arif Aliheydar ogly Babayev 30.ХI.2004-01.XII.2004 , Baku, p.157-159.
5. E. H. Eyvazov, About one adjoint operator with range of definition which consists of only zero element . Baku-2008. The Floor-mat-ly конф.» Modern problems a floor-mat, computer science and economy », devoted to the 85 anniversary of the national leader of G.A.Alieva. 26 апрел с.32-35.
6. Бигармонический оператор с дельта потенциалом, Тезисы Международной конференции по математике и механике, посвященной 50-летию Института Математики и Механики НАН Азербайджана. Бакы. 2009-ъи ил.
7. Резольвентное уравнение для многомерного оператора Шредингера в магнитном поле,Материалы Международной научной конференции, посв. 90-летию Бакинского Государственного Университета, сер. ес-тественных наук,
Баку, 2009, (А.Р.Алиев)
8. Self –adionit operators responding to higer order elliptic differential expression with delfa-potential, Abstrackts of the third congress of the word mathematical society of furkic cantries. Almaty, june 30-jule 4, 2009. volime 1
9. Формула для индекса дефекта дифференциальных операторов высокого порядка в пространстве вектор-функций, Спектральная теория и ее приложения. Тезисы межд. конф. посвящ. 80-юб. акад. Ф.Г. Максудова, Баку. 2010
10. О дискретности спектра магнитного оператора Шредингера, функциональный анализ и его приложения, Материалы Международно конференции, посвященной 100-летнему юбилею академика З.И.Халилова, Баку-2011
11. Essential spectrum of a magnetic Schroödinger operator in singular electric fields, International conference “Spectral Theory and Differential Equati-ons” in honor of Vladimir A. Marchenko's 90th birthday, Book of Abs-tracts, August 20-24, 2012, Kharkiv, Ukraine, p.p. 5-6, (А.Р.Алиев)
12. Essential self-adjointness of the electromagnetic Schrodinger operator in divergence form, Abstrackts of the International conference "On actual problems of mathematics and informatics" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Haydar Aliyev: Baku, Azerbaijan, 2013, p.8. (Aliev A.R.).
13. Self-adjointness of higher order differential ope- rator in multidimensional case, Proceedings of the International Conference devoted to the 55-th anniversary of IMM NASA “On actual problems of Mathematics and Mechanics”: Baku, 2014, р.166.
14. Об отрицательном спектра оператора Шредингера с полиномиально убывающим магнитным потенцииальом, Материалы Международной конференции по математике и механике, посв. 55-летию Института Математики и Механики НАН Азербай- джана, Баку, 2014, с.99. (Байрамова Г.М.)
15. Полнота собственных функций методом Б. М. Левитана для оператора Штурма-Лиувилля в дивергентном виде, Book of Abstracts of the In-ternational Conference «Spe-ctral Theory and Differential Equations» dedicated to the Centenary of B. M. Levitan, June 23-27, 2014, Moscow State University, pp. 39-40. (Aliev A.R.).
16. Self-adjointness of higher order differential operator in multidimensional case, Proceedings of the International Conference devoted to the 55-th anniversary of IMM NASA “On actual problems of Mathematics and Mechanics”: Baku, 2014, р.166.
17. On wave operators for multidimensional electromagnetic Schrodinger operator in divergence form, Abstrackts of the 7rd International Conference on “Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equation & Their Applications MADEA-7” : Baku (Novkhani), Azerbaijan. September 08-13, 2015, p.14. ( А.Р.Əлиев)
18. On a recent article devoted to the Aharonov-Bohm effect, International Workshop on "Non-Harmonic Analysis and Differential Operators", Baku, Azerbaijan May 25–27, 2016.(Araz R. Aliev, Said F. M. Ibrahim, and Hassan A. Zedan). p.13.
19. On the essential spectrum of the magnetic Schrödinger operator in unbounded domains, University scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Nikhan Aliyev on the topic “A new stage in the development of mathematical science.” Lankaran, December 28, 2018, pp. 140-141. in Russian
20. On the semiclassical Laplacian with magnetic field having a quadratic zero set., Of an International Workshop dedicated to the 80th anniversary of an outstanding mathematician, academician Mirabbas Gasymov, İnstitute of Mathematics and Mechanics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.Baku State University.Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University. Khazar University. Baku, June 7-8, 2019, 66-68.( G. D. Orudzhev).
21. Finding the first eigenvalue of the operator Landau, International Conference "Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics" devoted to the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Baku, Azerbaijan., 23-25 October 2019, 169-171s.
22. Differential equation for eigenvalues of the Sturm-Liouville operator with respect to the variable end of the interval., XХXV International Conference problems of decision making under uncertainties (PDMU-2020) Kiyev-Baku-Sheki, May 11-15 2020, 41-42 s.
23. Models of magnetic Laplacians with a magnetic field of the fourth kind,Международная научная конференция "Ufa Autumn Mathematical School", Ufa, International Scientific Conference "Ufa Autumn Mathematical School", Ufa, November 11-14, 2020 Part 1, 73-75 p. in Russian.
24. Solution of the boundary problem for the two-center Sturm-Liouville equation, Modern methods of the theory of boundary value problems. Proceedings of the International Conference Voronezh Spring Mathematical School PONTRYAGIN READINGS – XXXIII Dedicated to Yuri Ivanovich Sapronov (75th birthday), May 3–9, 2022,288s.in Russian.
1. Разложение по решениям задачи теории рассеяния для оператора .Разложение по решениям задачи теории рассеяния для оператора , ДАН Азерб. Т.33, № 10. 1977.
2. Самосопряженность оператора Шредингера с сингулярным потенциалом, Уч. записки АГУ, сер.физ-мат.наук, № 2, 1979.
3. Принципы излучения для уравнения Гельмгольца в цилиндрической области, ДАН Азерб. Т.36, № 4, 1980. (Аббасов З.Г. Искендеров Б.А.)
4. Принципы излучения для эллиптического уравнения высокого порядка в цилиндрической области, ДУ, т.23, № 10, Минск, 1987. (Искендеров Б.А. Эфендиева А.И.)
5. Об одной работе Эверитта-Нолиза-Рида, Труды института Математики и Механики АН Азерб. Т. XII/XX/, 2000.
6. Refined asymptotic formulas for fundamental solutions of a higher order ordinary differential equation, Transactions (Хябярляр) XXII, № 4, 2002.
7. О самосопряженности многомерного оператора Шредингера с обобщенным потенциалом нулевого порядка. Докл.НААН, №5-6, 2005, 6 сящ. (akademic M.G. Qasimov)
8. Уточненные асимптотические формулы для фундаментальных решений обыкновенного дифференциального уравнения высокого порядка, Transactions of National Academy of sciences of Azerbaijan, V. XXII, №4,2006.
9. On defect indices of one-centre differential operators, Transactions issuc mathematics and mechanics series of physical-technical mathematical sciences, v. XXIX, № 1, Baku, 2009.
10. Higher Order Differential Operators woth Finite Number of -Interactions in Multivariate Case. Journal of mathematical Physicas, Analysis, Geometry. v. 6, № 3, Украина, г.Харьков, № 3, 2010, 266-276.
11. О существенной самосопряженности оператора Шредингера в магнитном поле, Теоретическая и математическая физика, т.166, № 2, 2011, (А.Р.Алиев)
12. О некоторых спектральных свойствах одномерного магнитного оператора Шредингера, Вестник Бакинского Университета, № 2, 2011, (А.Р.Алиев)
13. О дискретности спектра магнитного оператора Шредингера, Функ-циональный анализ и его приложения, 2012, т. 46, № 4, (А.Р.Алиев)
14. Резольвентное уравнение одномерного магнитного оператора Шредингера на всей оси, Сибирский математический журнал, 2012, т. 53, № 6, (А.Р.Алиев)
15. Aliev A.R., Eyvazov E.H. On the essential spectrum of electromagnetic Schrödinger operator with singular electric potential // Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, doi:10.1080/17476933.2012.697460 (accepted for publication).
16. Essential self-adjointness of the electromagnetic Schrodinger operator in divergence form, Abstrackts of the International conference "On actual problems of mathematics and informatics" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Haydar Aliyev: Baku, Azerbaijan, 2013, p.8 (Aliev A.R.).
17. БСпектральные свойства оператора Шредингера с полиномиально убы-вающим магнитным по-тенциалом, Journal of Contemporary App-lied Mathematics, v.3, No 2,2013, p.52-61. (Байрамова Г.М.)
18. On the essential spectrum of electromagnetic Schrödinger operator with singular electric potential, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, Taylor & Francis, 2014, vol. 59, № 1, p.p. 18-27. (Aliev A.R.).
19. On discreteness of the spectrum of a high order differential operator in multidimensional case, Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan, 2014, vol. 40, № 1, p.p. 28-35.(Aliev A.R.).
20. On self-adjointness of the two-dimensional magne- tic Schrödinger operator, TRANSACTIONS of NAS of Azerbaijan, series of physical-technical and mathematical sciences, vol.XXXIV, №1, Ба-кu, «Елм», 2014, p.p. 29-34.
21. On negative spectrum of two-dimensional Schrodinger operator in electromagnetic field, Proceedings of IMM of NAS Azerb., 2014, v.40, pp.143-151, Special Issue - In memory of Professor M. G. Gasymov on his 75th birthday.
22. О разложении функций по решениям задачи рассеяния и по собственным функциям одномерного магнитного оператора Шредингера, Journal of Qafqaz University, ser. of math. and comp. sci., 2014, vol. 2, no. 2, pp.149-156.
23. Description of the domain of definition of the electromagnetic Schrodinger operator in divergence form, Eurasian Math. J., 2014, v.5, № 4, р.134–138.( А.Р.Əлиев)
24. On the properties of the resolvent of two-dimensional magnetic Schrödinger operator, Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, 2015, v.5, №.1,р.13-28.
25. Доказательство полноты собственных функций оператора Штурма-Лиувилля в дивергентном виде методом конечных разностей, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 2015, т. 55, №:1, с.3-9. (А.Р.Əлиев)
26. Quality properties of solutions of the basic equation of perturbation theory for one-dimensional magnetic Schrodinger operator, Transactions of NAS of Azerb., ser. phys.-tech. math. sci., 2015, vol. 35, no.1, pp.16-23.
27. Finiteness of the negative spectrum of the one-dimensional magnetic Schrödinger operator, Proceedings of IMM of NAS Azerb., 2015, Vol.41, Issue 1, pp.104–112.
28. О существовании и полноты волновых операторов магнитного оператора Шредингера в дивергентном виде, Вестник Бакинского Университета, сер. физ.-матем. наук, 2015, № 2
29. Description of the Magnetic Field and Divergence of Multisolenoid Aharonov-Bohm Potential, Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Mathematical Physics, Volume 2016(2016), Article ID 8645732, pages 1-8, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/8645732, (Araz R. Aliev, Said F. M. Ibrahim, and Hassan A. Zedan).
30. On wave operators for the multidimensional electromagnetic Schrödinger operator in divergent form. Ukr. Mat. Zh. - 2016. - 68, no. 8. pp. 1011-1020. , Ukr. Mat. Zh. - 2016. V. 68, № 8. - pp. 1011-1020(Aliev A. R.)
31.Ikebe-Saito radiation principle for Helmholts mangnetic equation, Modern problems of mathematics and mechanics . Proceedings of the International conference devoted to the 80-th anniversary of academician Akif Gadjiev, December 6–8, 2017 Baku, Azerbaijan, p.67. (Gabibova N.A.).
32. The amount of c in Taylor's theorem, Dedicated to the 95 Anniversary of the National leader of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev. II International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers, Proceedings 1 st Book 95 1 st Book , Natural Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Economic Sciences. Baku Engineering University, 27-28, April 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan (Zerifa Kerimli), p.25-26.
33. Rellich-Povsner radiation conditions for the Helmholtz equation,Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics, Baku vol. 7, no 2 (2017), p.40-46 ( Gabibova N.A.). in Russian.
34. Generalization of the concept of resolvents and its some applications, Journal of Baku Engineering University Mathematics and computer science BEU, 2019, Vol.3 № 1, 3-8 s.
35. On negative eigenvalues of the Schrodinger operator, Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, 2020, vol. 46 Issue 2. 171–179 s., (D.G. Orudzhev).
36. On estimation of the number of eigenvalues of the magnetic Schrödinger operator in a three-dimensional layer, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 2021, vol. 45 no. 5, 2260-2268 s, (A R. Aliev, Sh.Sh. Radjabov).
37. Correct proof of finding the exact lower bound of the Rayleigh magnetic value, Baku Mathematical Journal, 2022, Vol. 1 No. 1, 3-11s.
38. Spectral shift function and eigenvalues of the perturbed operator, Proceedings of Scientific Seminars POMI St. Petersburg, 2022, T. 512, 15-26 s., (A R. Aliev). in Russian.
1. Выдающийся ученый, заботливый учитель, Преподование физики, информатики и математики. /Методический журнал/, на азерб. Языке. № 4, 1989, ( Акад. Максудов Ф.Г., Асланов Г.И., Оруджев Г.Д.)
2. О сумме степени натуральных чисел. Преподавание физики, информатики и математики (методический журнал, на азерб.языке),№ 1-2, 1990, ( Асланов Г.И.)
3. Некоторые трудности при расширении понятий чисел и пути их устранения, Преподование физики информатики и математики. (методический журнал, на азерб.языке),№ 3, 1996, ( Асланов Г.И.)
4. E.H.Eyvazov,M.F.Mehdiyev, Y.Ə.Şərifov, R.Əhmədov. «Ədədi üsullar» dərslik. Azərb.Resp.Təhsil Nazirliyinin 27.05.2008-ci il 660 saylı əmri ilə təsdiq olunmuşdur.Təknur nəşriyyatı, Bakı, 2008. 375 səh.
5. Program on the discipline Theory of functions of a complex variable, Publish.House "Baki University", Baki 2012, ( Aliyev A.R., Khanmamammadov A.Kh., Mustafayeva Y.Y., Nabiyev I.M.)
6. Program on the discipline Theory of functions of a real variable, Publish.House "Baki University", Baki 2012, ( Aliyev A.R., Khanmamammadov A.Kh., Mustafayeva Y.Y., Nabiyev I.M.)
7. Riyazi analiz fəninin proqrammı, “Kompüter elmləri” ixtisası üzrə fənn programı, Bakı şəh.., Bakı Universitetinin nəşriyyatı, 2013, 17 с.(Orucov H.D., Hüseynov H.M., А.Р.Əлиев, A.X.Xanməmmədov, Y.Y.Mustafayeva, İ.M.Nəbiyev)
8. Funksional analiz fənninin proqramı (dərs proqramı), Azərbaycan, rus və ingilis dilində “Kompüter elmləri” ixtisası üzrə fənn programı, Bakı ş., Bakı Universiteti nəşriyyatı, 2013, 27 s. (Orucov H.D., Hüseynov H.M., А.Р.Əлиев, A.X.Xanməmmədov, Y.Y.Mustafayeva, İ.M.Nəbiyev)
9. Differential operators of quantum mechanics. On the spectral properties of certain operators, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG (Saarbrücken, Germany), 2017, 280 p. (in Russian).
10.Mathematical analysis-3. Theory of functions of a real and complex variable: Lectures and exercises. Baku, “Araz”- 2018, 372 p.( in Azerbaijani).
11. Spectral properties of magnetic Schrödinger operators and high-order multicenter differential operators, monoqrafiya, “Ecoprint” publishing house, Baku -2022, 258 p.in Russian.
24. Solution of the boundary problem for the two-center Sturm-Liouville equation, Modern methods of the theory of boundary value problems. Proceedings of the International Conference Voronezh Spring Mathematical School PONTRYAGIN READINGS – XXXIII Dedicated to Yuri Ivanovich Sapronov (75th birthday), May 3–9, 2022,288s.in Russian.