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Fomina Nina

The Candidate of physics-mathematical sciences, senior teacher
Phone: 438-25-18

In 1978 graduated mathematical faculty of the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute by the name Lenin (nowadays Pedagogical University by the name Tusi). 
In 1991 had protected the master's thesis on a theme «Some problems about free fluctuations of the supported cylindrical covers» on a speciality. 
01.02.2004 - «Mechanics of a deformable firm body»

- Special Design Bureau of Institute of mathematics and mechanics of Academy of sciences of Azerbaijan 
- The Baku engineering commercial-technological centre "Aquatronic" 
- The Baku State University: Since 1997 - chair «the Information technology and programming». Since 2002 - chair «Mathematical methods of the applied analysis».
I conduct a course of lectures «Linear algebra», «Numerical methods».
I have 11 scientific articles in foreign and republican magazines. 
I perform scientific work according to plan of research works of chair on a theme: «Mathematical methods of mechanics of continuous environments».

The elasticity theory; the theory of covers.

1. Investigation of Loss Stability of the Ring Under the Action of Non-uniform External Pressure. IX International Conference of the Georgian  Mathematical Union.Abstracts of Participants Talks. Batumi-Tbilisi, September 3-8, 2018, p. 166-167
2. A variational  Approach to Solving the Problem of the Stability of a Gentle Arch. (Tezis) Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics.Proceedings of the International Conference devoted to the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Scienses, 373-375, October 23-25, 2019
3. Tağın gərginlik – deformasiya vəziyyətinin təyini. (Tezis) Heydər Əliyev 96 –cı ildönümünə həsr edilmiş riyaziyyat və mexanikanın aktual problemləri konfransının materialları,120-122, May 2019

1. On one 3 – dimensional Boundary Value problem with Inclined derivatives. Science journal of applied mathematics and statistics, published online, July 6, 2015 3(4), p. 188-193.
2. The Asymptotic Analysis of the Solution of an Elasticity Theory Problem for a Transversely Isotropic Hollow Cylinder with Mixed Boundary Conditions on the Side Surface. Science Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Published online, November 3, 2016, 4(6), 269-275
3.  Limit State of a cylindrical shell under the action of non-uniform  external pressure. Trasactions of NAS of Azerbaijan, Issue Mechanics, 37(7), 3-10, 2017
4. Effect of  Wave Generation at Critical Time Combined Viscous-elastic ring. Trasactions of NAS of Azerbaijan, Issue Mechanics, 38(7), 66-75, 2018
5. “Ədədi üsullar” fənnindən kurs işinin verilməsinə metodiki yanaşma. Azərb. Res. Təhsil İnstitutunun Elmi Əsərləri, cild 87, № 1, 2020, səh.119-125.
6. Düzbucaqli tağa təsir edən böhran qüvvənin təyin olunmasi. BDU, Xəbərlər jurnalı, 2020. (çapa təqdim olunub)

1. Methodological manual Approximate calculation methods, 2014. (Bakı  Universiteti  nəşriyyəti, Bakı, 233 s.)
2. The program in the discipline "Geometry" for students of the 1st year in the specialty "Computer Science Teacher" of the faculty "Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics.," 2016. Bakı Dövlət Universiteti, Tətbiqi  riyaziyyat  və kibernetika  fakültəsi, Bakı, s.12)
3. Program in the discipline "Numerical Methods" for students of the IV year in the specialty "Computer Sciences" of the faculty "
4. The program in the discipline "Linear algebra" for students of the I year in the specialty "Computer Science Teacher" of the faculty "Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics," 2019 (Bakı Dövlət Universiteti, Tətbiqi riyaziyyat və kibernetika fakültəsi, Bakı, s.48)

1. Certificate of honor for the education of the younger generation for 2009.
2. Certificate of honor for the education of the younger generation for 2017.
3. Medal for the 100th anniversary of BYUApplied Mathematics and Cybernetics," 2019

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