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Gasimov Gurban

The candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, assoc. prof.,
Faculty of Operation research and probability theory
email: gkurban@mail.ru

Was born in 1946 in Georgia, 1967 graduated Mechanics-mathematic faculty of the Azerbaijan State University with honour, in 1973 protected candidate work in faculty of Calculus Mathematics and Cybernetics of the Moscow State University. Married, with one son and grandson.

Graduated ASU in 1967.
Title of Ph.D. thesis "Application interpolation theory of linear operators to research of the decision of the mixed problem for quasi-linear equation of hyperbolic type", 1973, MSU.

from 1967 to 2005 department mathematics of physical faculty (the post-graduate student, 
the teacher, the senior teach, the senior lecturer)
from 01.09.1997 to 31.08.1999 and from 15.11.2005 to 31.8.2008 Libya, in the city Homs,
Margab University, the senior lecturer and the professor,

Since 2008 in department of Probability theory and Mathematical statistics
Teaches disciplines:
The mathematical analysis, the equations of mathematical physics, the differential equations, probability theory, programming, computer realization of numerical methods
The author of 55 papers and two books.

Boundary problems for the linear and nonlinear parabolic and hyperbolic equations

4-8.11.2007, Al-Fateh Universiteti, Tripoli, Liviya, The Second Basic Sciences Conference
22-23.10.2008, Zarqa Private Universiteti, İordaniya, The Second Conference on Mathematical Sciences
Международная конференция  посвященная 55-летию Института Математики и Механики, Баку 2013 стр 122-123
Актуальныепроблемы математики и механики.Материалы Международной конференции , посвященной  55-летию   Института Математики и Механики  Баку-2014
International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia, Odessa,2016. V.2., pp 740-744
İnternational congress on New Trends in science, Engineering and technology, Barcelona 2017, səh. 126-133
International Conference on Multidisciplinary , Engineering, Science, Education and Technology (IMESET’17 Bitlis) Hosted by Bitlis Eren University October 27-29,2017
IV international congress on new trends in science, engineering and technology,St.Petersburg-Russia,07-09 july 2020: " Definition one optimal dinamic system using the mathematical package Maple"// " Определение одной оптимальной динамической системы с помощью математического пакета Maple"// "Bir optimal dinamik sistemin Maple riyazi paketin köməyilə təyin olunması"// rus dilində, 10 səh.
The 7-th international conference on control and optimization with industrial applications, 26-28 august 2020, Baku-Azerbaijan ( COIA 2020): "Probability characteristics of the solution of a telegraph equation on a infinite wire made with random defects " // " Вероятностные характеристики решения телеграфного уравнения в бесконечном проводе со случайными дефектами " // " Təsadüfi defektlərə malik sonsuz teldə teleqraf tənliyinin həllinin ehtimal xarakteristikaları " // ingiliz dilində , 4 səh.
COIA 2020: "Study of the problem of heat conduction in a hollow cylinder " // "Исследование одной задачи теплопроводности в полом цилиндре // "İçi boş silindrdə bir istilikkeçirmə məsələsinin tədqiqi " // ingiliz dilində, 4 səh.

1. Abort one class perturbation of potential of Shturm-Liwill's problem for Bessel equation Materials of the scientific conference, devoted to the 85th anniversary of A.Mukhtarov, BSU, 2004.
2. The decision of one problem of heat conductivity in a circular pipe by means of mathematical package „Maple-11" ,Jordan, University Zarga, 22-23.10.2008, The Second Conference on Mathematical Sciences (9 pages)
3. Heat Conduction equation in physically inhomogeneous moving composite solids, international journal of differential equations and applications, v.14,N3,2015,pp.252-270
4. Solution of Heat Conduction Problem with Discontinuous Boundary Condition in Non-homogenous Moving Cylinder Using Maple, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, AP.LTD, Vol.106, №4, pp 1127-1150 (2016)
5. Equations of Mathematical Physics, 2008, Libya (in  Arabic ; 672 pages)
6. Programme for  subject “Probability theory and Mathematical statistics”, 2009
7. “Equations of Mathematical Physics”, Libya, 2013 (in  Arabic, 672 pages)
8. “Investigation of nonlinear forced Van der Pol oscillator by the method of decomposition with a small parameter” –International Multidiseiplinary Congress of Eurasia, Skopye, 2015, V.1,  p.430-433
9. «Heat Conduction Equation in Physically Inhomogeneous Moving Composite Solids» İnternational Journal of Differential Equations and Applications Vol.14, №3, 2015
10.“Correlational analysis of non-linear Relay oscillator” International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia , Odessa, 2016. V.2., pp 740-744
11. “Temperature field of a moving composite parallelepiped” -Lankaran State University , Scientific Conference materials. 23-24 december 2016.
12. “Solution of heat conduction problem with discontinuous boundary conditions in non homogeneous moving cylinder using Maple”- International Journal of pure and Applied Mathematics? V.106, 2016, 1127-1150
13. Correlational and regression analyses of Insurance tariff problems ” -İnternational congress on New Trends in science, Engineering and technology, Barcelona 2017, pp. 126-133
14. «Calculation of numerical characteristics of the solution of a heat conduction problem for a circular cylinder»- İnternational congress on New Trends in science, Engineering and technology, Barcelona 2017, pp. 134-136
15. «Calculation of probability characteristics of heat flow in infinite rod with random imperfections in manufacture»- International Conference on Multidisciplinary , Engineering, Science, Education and Technology (IMESET’17 Bitlis) Hosted by Bitlis Eren University October 27-29,2017
16. “Probability characteristics of solution of  telegraph equation on randomly defected cable,”-VI İnternational Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia, 4-6 September 2018 in Roma Sapianza University, 41-44 pp
17. “Probability characteristics of first approximations of forced  Van der Pol oscillator  with delayed  amplitude and random perturbations”, VI İnternational Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia, 4-6 September 2018 in Roma Sapianza University, 19-23 pp

Equations of Mathematical Physics, Libya, 2008 (in Arabic, 672 pages)

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