Hamidov Sabir Isa
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Assistant professor
He was born in the Armenia republic in 1954. He has finished secondary school in the Nakhchivan city. He has entered of the Baku State University to faculty of mechanics-mathematics in 1971. He has finished faculty of applied Mathematics and Cybernetics in 1976.
He has finished the Baku State University in 1976. He has defended the Ph.D thesis in the subject of "Some class investigation properties and minimizing of the other smooth functions" in 1986 .He is the candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences. He is the assistant professor of the chair of mathematical cybernetics.
The 1976-1980th years - Cybernetics institute of the NASA
The 1981-1982th years - Improvement in Sankt-Peterburq State University
The 1983-1990th years - "Kaskad" special constructor bureau
The 1991-2000th years - "Savalan" small enterprise
He works in the Mathematical Cybernetics chair of the Baku State University in the post of assistant professor from 2000.
On bachelor step:
- Course of discrete mathematics
- mathematical logic and Course of models of discrete mathematics
- Course of economical Cybernetics
On magistrates step:
- Problems of discrete minimaks
- Some problems of the other smooth analysis
- Methods of discrete the programming in economical systems
1. The 1-st İnternational Conference on Control and Optimization with İndustrial Applications, Baku, 2005
2. The 2-nd İnternational Conference on Control and Optimization with İndustrial Applications, Baku, 2008
3. İnvestigation of an economic model dinamics. 3rd International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications. 2014. s. 155-156
4 On the study of the Matrix in a Model of Economic Dynamics. IECMSA-2015 4th International Evrasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications. Athena, 2015.
- Problems of other smooth optimization
- Investigation of the models of economical dynamics
1. Об одной задаче со связанными ограничениями "Təhsil", №3, 2003
2. Об устойчивости равновесного возрастного распределения в одном частном случае. Materials Of The I International Conference COİA - 2005. Baku, 2005.
3. О моделях экономической динамики совместного функционирования нескольких технологий "Bakı Universitetinin xəbərləri", №4, 2006.
4. О локально-оптимальных траекториях в однопродуктовых моделях Elmi konfrans materialları, Baku, 2006.
5. О проблеме равновесия с заданным непрерывным ценообразованием Elmi konfrans materialları, Baku, 2007
6. Bəzi iqtisadi dinamika modellərində effektiv trayektoriyalar haqqında. Elmi konfrans materialları, Baku, 2007.Materials Of The I International Conference
COİA - 2008. Baku, 2008.
7. О поведении оптимальных траекторий Elmi konfrans materialları, Sumqayit, 2008
8. О поведении оптимальных траекторий. Elmi konfrans materialları, Sumqayit, 2008
9. О существовании общего равновесия в дискретних динамических моделях .II Bakı Universitetinin xəbərləri. Fizika –riyaziyyat elmləri seriyası. N-1. ,2013, c. 45-53
10. Dependence of Consumption Volume on the Labor-Force in One-Productive Models of Economic Dynamics. Journal of Mathematics and System Science, 2015, 5, p.113-117
11. American Journal of Applied Mathematics. Equilibrium Mechanisms in Models of Reproduction with a Fixed Budget, 2015, 3 (3), pp.146-150.
12. Journal of Mathematics and System Science, Dependence of Consumption Volume on the Labor-Forse in one Production Models of Economic Dynamics, 2015, 5 (3), pp.118-122.
13. European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, On a investigation of the matrix of the second partial derivative in one economic dynamics model, 2016, 3 (1), pp.59-65.
14. Pure and Applied Mathematics Journal. On a consumed problem, 2016, 5 (6), pp.205-210.
15. American Journal of Mathematics and Computer Modelling. On a Construction of the Optimal Treyectories by Applied the Equilibrium Mechanisms in Discrete Dynamic Models, 2017, 2 (4), pp.99-102.
16. Bakı Dövlət Universitetinin Xəbərləri. О сбалансированном росте в одной модели экономической динамики. 2017, 2, ст.97-104.
17. AMEA Xəbərləri. О невырожденном Неймановском равновесии и Неймановской грани, 2017.
18. Journal Pure and Applied Mathematics- Advances and Application. On a Neumann Equilibrium States in one Model of Economic Dynamics, 2017, 18 (2), pp.87-95.
19. International Journal of Mathematics and its Applications On a problem of maximization some indicators in discrete time models of economic dynamics, 2017, 5 (3-13), pp.199-202.
20. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics. On the Equilibrium Without Loss in the Discrete Time Models of Economic Dynamics, 2017, 5 (3-13), pp.199-202.
21. Applied Mathematics. On a problem of maximization in the Discrete Time Models of Economic Dynamics, 2018, 8 (1), pp.1-4.
22. Proceduines of the Institute of Applied Mathematics. On equilibrium State in Two-sector Models of Economic Dynamics, 2018, 7 (1).
1. Lectures of the economical Cybernetics Baku, 2008.