Hashimov Sadiq
Candidate of physics, mathematics sciences , Associate professor
work phone: :+(994)12 438 02 40
e-mail: S.Hashimov@list.ru
1961 was born in the Seydakaran village of Lankaran region
1987 he leaved secondary school in the Kanarmesha village of Lankaran
1984 he graduated from Baku State University with honours diplom
In 1984-1988 worked to destination in a department of the ACS the Azerbaijan National Academy of sciences on a post of the engineer, the engineer-programmer, engineer-programmer I of a category.
In 1989-1995 worked on a post of the younger science officer, the science officer, in Research institute Applied Mathematics at Baku State University
He is the author of approximately 20 articles and 2 books. He took part in international cоnfereces.
In 1995-2005 worked in Baku State University on faculty « Optimization and control » on a post of the senior lecturer
Since 2006 «Optimization and control » on a post the associate professor works in Baku State University on faculty
1998, he defended a thesis«Optimal control for quazzy linear loaded elliptic and parabolic equations»
1979-1984 student, 1987-1991 post-graduate student, faculty the applied mathematics and cybernetics, Baku State University
In 1984-1988 worked to destination in a department of the ACS the Azerbaijan National Academy of sciences on a post of the engineer, the engineer-programmer, engineer-programmer I of a category.
In 1989-1995 worked on a post of the younger science officer, the science officer, in Research institute Applied Mathematics at Baku State University
He is the author of approximately 20 articles and 2 books. He took part in international cоnfereces.
In 1995-2005 worked in Baku State University on faculty « Optimization and control » on a post of the senior lecturer
Since 2006 «Optimization and control » on a post the associate professor works in Baku State University on faculty
He conducted classes on «Optimization methods », « Automated control systems », «Control systems»,«Expert systems and AРP», «Optimum control of systems with the distributed parameters », «Software development of Optimization problems » and etc during his work period.
He is the author of approximately 20 articles and 2 books. He took part in international cоnfereces.
Optimization of processes described by the loaded equations of mathematical physics
Synergetic properties of nonlinear processes
1994, Бakу, Azerbaijan;« BDU-nun 75 illiyin həsr olunmu elmi konfrans »
2003, Бakу, Azerbaijan; IX republican scientific conference of post-graduate students and young
2006, Lenkoran, Azerbaijan; «Regionların sosial-iqtisadi inkişafınd ma informasiya-komunikasiya infrastrukturunun formalaşmas v idar edilməsi» international scientific-practical conference
2007, Sumgait, «Riyaziyyatıntətbiqiməsələləri v yeniinfomasiyatexnologiyalar» republican scientific conference
2008, Baku, Azərbaycan; «Modern problems of mathematics, computer science and economy » republican scientific conference
2009, Ucot və təfyiş fəsliyyətinin avtomatlaşdırılmış informasiya idarəetmə təminatı sistemində giriş-çıxış formalarının. Sumqayıt Dövlət Universiteti Elmi Xəbərlər cild 9, № 2, 2009, səh.19-21.
2012, Задача оптимального управления коэффицентами параболического уравнения. Lənkəran Dövlət Universitetinin Elmi Xəbərləri Riyaziyyat və təbiyət elmləri seriyası. Lənkəran-2012, səh. 5-16.
2013, Elliptic equation relative to domain evolution. Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının Xəbərləri. Fizika-texnika və riyaziyyat elmləri seriyası, riyaziyyat və mexanika buraxılışı XXXIII, № 1, Baku-2013, “ELM” , səh. 121-130.
2014, Об оптимальном управлении для нагруженного параболического уравнения. Riyaziyyat və mexanikanın aktual problemləri. Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitunın 55 illiyinə həsr olunmuş Beynəlxalq konfransın materialları. Бакı, 15-16 may 2014, səh. 124-127.
2015, The optimal control problem for the coefficients of a parabolic equation under phase constraints. ISSN 0005-1179 Automation and Remote Control, 2015 , Vol 76, N 8 pp 1347 -1360.
2016, Об одной задаче оптимального управления для параболического уравнения с интегральным условием и с управлениями в коэффициентах. Beстник Томского Государственного Университета. Математика и механика № 3(41) 2016, стр. 31-41.
2005, The automated infofmation-controlled guarantee of activity of the account and auditing
2008, Synergetic properties of nonlinear processes
3. 2008 About a problem of optimum control in unlimited potential, time-dependent in nonlinear non-stationary equation Schrödinger
1. 2003, Research process of chaos in эколого- economic systems
2. 2008, Methods of optimization