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Aghayeva Mirvari

Assistant professor,candidate of physics-mathematical sciences
PhD in Mathematics

Was born in 1968 in Azerbaijan, 1992 graduated physics faculty of the Azerbaijan State University with honour, in 2008 defended PhD thesis at the Institute of Cybernetics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science.

Graduated Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University) in 1992. 
Title of Ph.D. thesis “Stochastic analysis of queuing system described by semi-markov processes”, 2008.
2018-Assistant professor

from 1994 to 2010 department of probability theory and mathematical statistics (staff.,the post-graduate student, the teacher)
Teaching courses: The probability theory and mathematical statistic, Computer Statistics, Stochastic Analysis, Regression Models
The author o f 32 papers

Queuing systems, Simulation, Statistical Data Analysis

1.Stokastik Dikey Ulaşım Sistemlerinde Modelleme. Electronic Jurnal of Vocational Colleges. December. Yalova 2015 seh.195-201
2. Investigation of nonlinear for-ced Van der Pol oscillator by the method of decomposition with a small parameter. IMCOFE 2015. Üsküp. 01-05 eylul, 2015.p.430-433
3.. Semi-Markov processes and problems of stock management. 8th International symposium of statistics. Eskişehir, TURKEY, October 11-13, 2012. Page 199
4. Stochastic simulation of queues described by behavior of moving particles The Third International Conference «Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics» (PCI'2010) vol. IV, pp.236-38
5. Mathematical model of moving particles with interaction/ The Second International Conference «Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics» PCI 2008. vol. II, pp.256-258
6. Modelling of Galton – Watson branching random processes with random errors/ Abstract of the International Conference “Modem stochastic theory and applications”. Kyiv, Ukraine, 2006, p.137.
7. Stochastic simulation of queues described by behavior of moving particles.The Third International Conference  «Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics» (PCI'2010), vol. IV, pp.236-238
8. Semi-Markov processes and problems of stock management .20128th International sympozium of statistics. Eskişehir, TURKEY, October 11-13, 2012. Page 199.
9. Investigation of nonlinear forced Van der Pol oscillator by the method of decomposition with a small parameter. IMCOFE 2015.  Üsküp. 01-05 eylul, 2015
10. Farklı Sigorta Ürünləri üzere ToplamHasar İstatistiğinin olasılık modelinin kurulması 11 Ankara Matematik günleri 26-27 mayıs. Ankara. 2016
11. Корреляционный анализ нелинейного осциллятора Релея   İnternational Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia.July 11-12, 2016. Odessa-Ukraine, Proceedings, volume-2, p.740-744
13. Kasko sigorta tarife problemlerinin korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri .İnternational congress on New Trends in science, Engineering and technology, Barcelona 2017, səh. 126-133
14. Calculation of numerical characteristics of the solution of a heat conduction problem for a circular cylinder. İnternational congress on New Trends in science, Engineering and technology, Barcelona 2017, səh. 134-136
15.Information technologies and security problems in digital libraries. International Conference on Multidisciplinary , Engineering, Science, Education and Technology (IMESET’17 Bitlis) Hosted by Bitlis Eren University October 27-29,2017, Bitlis,Turkey, pp.398-402

1. T.Sh.Mammadov,M.H.Hasratova. G. J.Afandiyev. Modeling of Stochastic Vertical Stationary Transport Systems. International Journal of modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER). 2016. 
2. Hasratova M.H, T.Mammadov, G. Afandiyev Simulation of real customer services in lift systems. Transactions of Azerbaijan National Academy of sciences Informatics and control problems , XXXV v., 2015. P. 52-57
3. A.Hajiyev,M.Hasratova,N. Abdullayeva .Mathematical Models of Moving Particles and Their Application.for Traffic. International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Man-agement.2014, 13 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing XXX, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
4. M. H. Hasratova. Simulation of the Semi-markov processes, describing behavior of stocks management. Proceedings of IMM of NAS of Azerbaijan, 2011, v. XXXV, pp 113-116 
5. Hasratova M.H. Modeling of moving particles on a closed contour without overtaking// Proceedings of IMM of NAS of Azerbaijan, v. XXVIII (XXXVI), 2008, pp.189-194.
6. Hajiyev A., Gasratova M., Aliyev S. Statistical Analysis of Regression with Increasing Numbers of Unknown Parameters // Seminarberichte aus dem Fachbereich Mathematic der Fern Universitat in Hagen, Band 76, 2005, pp. 133-146.
7. Gasratova M.G. A class of probability distributions in the models of moving particles// Proceedings of IMM of NAS of Azerbaijan, v. XVII, 2005, pp. 33-38
8.  Mathematical Models of Moving Particles and Their Application.for Traffic -International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Man-agement.2014, 13 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing XXX, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg  2014
9.  Simulation of real customer services in lift systems.Transactions of Azerbaijan National Academy of sciences Informatics and control problems , XXXV, 2015. p. 52-57
10. Probabilistic Model for Statistics of Total Damage on Different Insurance Items-International Journal of modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER).  Volume:3 Issue:7 Jul ' 2016, p. 263-267.(SCİ)
11. Modeling of Stochastic Vertical Stationary Transport Systems.- International Journal of modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER).  Volume:3 Issue:2 Feb ' 2016, P. 375-384(SCİ)

1.I have passed the courses and received certificates on the programs listed below:
1. Basic Actuarial Mathematics, Ethics, and Statistics
2. Actuarial principles and their application
3. Non-life insurance and reinsurance
4. Basic ratemaking and estimating unpaid claims
5. Ratemaking and reserving in life insurance
6. Life İnsurance. Solvency. Risk based regulation and supervision.7
7. Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan – Grant № EİF-2012-2(6)-39/13/1

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