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Purpose of teaching computer science students
- Theoretical and practical foundations of information in modern society, the practical use of the collected information for the socio-economic development of society, the rules for using computer and communication technologies of international and national information systems:
- Work in international and local networks, preparation of databases, electronic data, coding, analytical research, electronic journal, electronic accounting, electronic documents, alternative options:
- Social issues of information and informatization (Social information, the role of information in society, the concept of an informed society, information security, social consequences of informatization):
- Theoretical and mathematical informatics. (Theory of algorithms, models, decision making, mathematical and logical apparatus).
- Theory of artificial intelligence (modeling of intellectual and thought processes, expert systems, image recognition, intelligent robots).
- Computers and programming (computer architecture, software and programming concepts, history of computers, stages of development, computer systems and networks).
- Applied Informatics (issues arising in connection with the collection and application of information in many areas of science - economics, technology, military affairs, jurisprudence), etc. to teach such areas as perfect.
Recently, the use of computer technology in education has become more widespread.
On the one hand, computers themselves have become an object of learning, and on the other, an important technical tool in the general educational process.
Processing the results of biological, physical and chemical experiments studied in education, medical diagnostics, obtaining internal reflections of opaque objects, learning foreign languages, etc., such complex processes are transferred to computer control.
The purpose of teaching the subject is to acquaint students with the basic theoretical and practical aspects of "Informatics" as a science, to teach informatics as a tool for using automated sources of information, to instill practical skills in working with information systems.
Currently, teachers are widely used in the preparation of educational documents, and students - in the analysis of the results of experiments, the preparation of abstracts of documents, the study of foreign languages, the use of world libraries via the Internet, computers in e-mail. Therefore, all university graduates should know the rules for working with "electronic information documents", "database", the Internet, e-mail, fax and other components of information technology in the new environment.
This requires flexibility from a specialist in order to make the right decisions on the results of information processing and use it in practice.
Written, control and oral rules are available for subject assessment.

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