Kakhramanov Adil Shamil oglu
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, assistant professor
was born in 1942 September 27,in Georgia;
1960 left secondary chool.
1961-1966 studied at the Mathematics and Mechanies faculty of Baku SU.
1966-1970 post graduate student at the institute of Mathematics and 1970-73 Junior research at the institute of Mathematics and mechanics of NAS of Azerb.
1973-1980 senior research bellow at the IMM of NASA.senior lecturer.
1981-senior lecturer at the department of applied Mathematics of BSU.
1972 y., c.s.p.-m,docent
1961-1966 y. , student , faculty of mechanics and mathematics ,BSU,
1966-1970 post graduate student at the institute of Mathematics and 1970-73 Junior research at the institute of Mathematics and mechanics of NAS of Azerb.
1973-1980 senior research bellow at the IMM of NASA.senior lecturer.
1981-senior lecturer at the department of applied Mathematics of BSU.
teachs ‘Math-analysts' , ‘ Geometry and algebra', ‘Thery of generalied functions'and one text book .spectral theory of different operators with discontinuous coefficients.
Author of 28 scientific articles and a textbook.
spectral theory of different operators with discontinuous coefficients.
1. Kakhramanov A.On differential operators with discontinuous coefficients.Scientific conference devoted 75 years prof Mamedov I., page 73-74 Baku-2006.
2. Spectrum differential operators 4 order with discontinuous coefficients.Conferense devoted 90 years akad.M.L.Rsulov page 101-104, Baku 2006.
3. Kakhramanov A, . Baku-2008. The Floor-mat-ly конф.» Modern problems a floor-mat, computer science and economy », devoted to the 85 anniversary of the national leader of G.A.Alieva. 26 апрел с.48-51.
1. Kakhramanov A.On differential operators with discontinuous coefficients.Scientific conference devoted 75 years prof Mamedov I., page 73-74 Baku-2006.
2. Spectrum differential operators 4 order with discontinuous coefficients.Conferense devoted 90 years akad.M.L.Rsulov page 101-104, Baku 2006.
3. Kakhramanov A, . Baku-2008. The Floor-mat-ly конф.» Modern problems a floor-mat, computer science and economy », devoted to the 85 anniversary of the national leader of G.A.Alieva. 26 апрел с.48-51.
4. A.Sh.Kakhramanov;F.K.Aleskerov.Optimisation of flat-end-edge radiator system of cool thermobatter cool shuts.Azerb.Nat.Academy of sciences, Phys.Volume 13,N 4; 2007,page 35-40.
5. Multi fractal analysis of interlayer fractal surface. Azerbaijan National Academy of sciences,Transactions, series of physical-mathematical and technical sciences, physics and astronomy, volume 28, N5,Baku 2008
6. The factal conseptions in the physical and natural structures.AMEA , fizika-riyaziyyyat və texnika elmləri bölməsi, Fizika, 2009, № 3.
7. To fractal gtometty of nanoobjects on vander waals surface in system. Azerbaijan Journal of Physics – Физика, vol.XVII № 2, 2011.стр.77-79
8. Nano fractal structures on the vander waals surface. АМЕА-нын Физика-рийазиййат вя техника елмляри бюлмяси. Физика, № 3, 2012.
9. By the fractal geometry of the surface stractures. Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics, vol. №3, NO 1 2013: December, s.1-4.
10. А.Ш.Кахраманов. О дифференциальном операторе 4-го порядка с разрывными коэффициентами. Ümummilli lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 85-ci il dönümünə həsr olunmuş «Riyaziyyat, informatika və iqtisadiyyatın müasir problemləri» mövzusunda Respublika elmi konfransının materialları. Bakı. 26 aprel 2008-ci il. s.48-51.
11. The factal conseptions in the physical and natural structures.AMEA , fizika-riyaziyyyat və texnika elmləri bölməsi, Fizika, 2009, № 3.
12. To fractal gtometty of nanoobjects on vander waals surface in system. Azerbaijan Journal of Physics – Физика, vol.XVII № 2, 2011.стр.77-79
13. Nano fractal structures on the vander waals surface. АМЕА-нын Физика-рийазиййат вя техника елмляри бюлмяси. Физика, № 3, 2012.
14. By the fractal geometry of the surface stractures. Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics, vol. №3, NO 1 2013: December, s.1-4.
15. Особенности могфологии самоорганизованных природных поверхностных структур, Journal of Qafqaz University, physics, Volume 2, Number 1, page 54-61. 2014.
16. Нанообекты на поверхности твердых тел и параметры их жестокости. Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics. Volume 5. № 1. 2015. Pade 4-12.
17. Влияние самоинтерколяции меди на изменение термоэлектрических свойств лечированных кристаллов. Материалы электроники Одесса, 2016, стр.49-52. A.Ş.Qəhrəmanov, А.П.Алиева.
18. О некоторых особенностах структур при диссипойивных процессах. Единый всероссийский научный вестник, 2016, физико-математические науки, стр.195-200. A.Ş.Qəhrəmanov, Э.М.Годжаев
19. Аттракторы в наноструктированных слоистых кристалах. Russian Academy of Sciens, Yaroslav Demidov state University, III international Conference on Modern Problems in physics of surfaces and nanostructures. Yaroslav, Russia, page 95,2017. А, Кахраманов, С.Вагиров.
20. Attractorc in nano-structured layered crystals. Azerbaijan Journal of Physics . Vol.XXIII,№1 , section: En, April, 2017, 23-26. A.Sh.KakhramanovS.B.Bagirov.
Problems of Book in Mathematical Analysis, B.P. Demidovic (Translated from the Russian), Baku. BSU-2003.