Khankishiyev Zakir Farman ogluh
Candidate of phys.-math sci., of the department "Equations of mathematical physics"
Work tel: +(994) 12 510 56 31
e-mail: hankishiyev_zf @
1949, April 18, was born
1955-1966, went to secondary school and left it with gold medal
married, has two children
1971, graduated from the faculty of Mechanics and mathematics of Azerbaijan State University (now BSU)
1981, defended thesis "Application of the method of straight lines to the solution of elliptic equations with degeneration" in Moscow in the Calculating Center of AS of the USSR
assistant professor
1971-1972, senior laboratory assistant at the Institute of Cybernetics of Azerbaijan NAS
1972-1975, post graduate student of the Calculating Center of Academy of Sciences of the USSR
1975-1978, junior research fellow in the Scientific Center "Caspian" of Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan republic
1978-1982, leading constructor in Special Design office of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan republic
since 1982 till now, assistant, senior lecturer, of the department "Equations of mathematical physics"
Teaches "Differential equations", "Equations of mathematical physics", "Asymptotic and numerical methods in mathematical methods ", "Difference problems and methods of their solution" etc.
Authour of more than 40 scientific works
Took part in 7 international conferences an symposiums
Numerical methods for solution of problems for differential equations in partial derivatives
1. On the analytic solutions of one class of operator-differential equations // Baku State University: News of Baku State University, series of phys.-math. sciences, 1999, № 3-4, p.115-123 (jointly)
2. Investigation of questions of solvability of operator-differential equations of second order // Baku State University, manuscript deposited in Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute of Technologies and Information, № 2635 Аz, 1999, 30 p.
3. On solvability of some operator-differential equations in Hilbert space // News of Baku State University, series of phys.-math. sciences, 2000, № 1, p.141-150.
4. On solvability and spectralicity of solutions of operator-differential equations of second order in Hilbert space.// Baku State University, manuscript deposited in Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute of Technologies and Information, № 2649 Аz, 2000,36 p.
5. On spectral solution of an operator differential equation of second order in Hilbert space. // News of Baki State University, series of phys. and math. sciences, 2004, N 2 , 5 p.
6. On solvability of some operator-differential equations in complex domain // News of Baki State University, series of phys. and math. sciences, 2008, N 2, 5p. (jointly)
7. On solvability of operator-differential equation of second order in the presence of pole type singularity in the coefficients in some special case. // Journ. "The Reports of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan", N 6, 2008, 8 p.
8. Investigation of the convergence of method of lines while solving a problem of linear loaded differential equation of parabolic type. 24-th Mini EURO Conference on Continuous Optimization and Information-Based Technologies in the Financial Sector. June 23-26, 2010, Izmir,Turkey, p.57-61.
9. Parabolik tip yüklənmiş xətti diferensial tənliklər üçün bir məsələnin düz xətlər üsulu ilə həlli. Nizami Gəncəvinin 870 illik yubileyinə həsr edilmiş “Riyazi nəzəriyyələr, onların tətbiqi və tədrisi sahəsində olan problemlər” Beynəlxalq Konfransının materialları. Gəncə, 23-25 sentyabr 2011-ci il, s. 16-20.
10. Исследование сходимости метода прямых при решении одной задачи для линейного нагруженного дифференциального уравнения параболического типа. Вестник Бакинского Университета, серия физико-математических наук, 2013, №1, с.18-23.
11. On the solution of a problem for a hyperbolic type integro-differential equation. ANADOLU UNIVERSITY Yournal of science and technology B – Theoretical Sciences (ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ Bilim ve teknoloji dergisi . B – Teorik Bilimler ).İSSN:2146-0272, EİSSN:2146-0191. 2013, № 2 , pp.121-125.
12. Применение метода прямых к решению одной задачи для линейного интегро-дифференциального уравнения параболического типа и исследование сходимости метода. Вестник Бакинского Университета, серия физико-математических наук, 2014, №4, с.5-12.
13. Решение одной задачи для линейного нагруженного дифференциального уравнения параболического типа с интегральным граничным условием. Актуальные проблемы гуманитарных и естественных наук. İSSN: 2073-0071, Москва, 2016, №3, с.26-34.
14. Решение одной задачи для линейного интегро-дифференциального уравнения параболического типа методом прямых и исследование сходимости. Asian Journal of Scientific and Educational Research. Seoul National University Press, №1(19), January-June, 2016, c.602-610.
1. Differential equations (in Azeri), 2009
2. Application of the method of lines to solve the problem for the loaded equations. Methods of making and issledovaniya convergence. Monograph, Saarbrücken, Deutschland, 2013, 152p.
3. Lectures and exercises on equations of mathematical physics, Bakı, 2014, 338p.