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Mammadov Knayz Shiraslan oglu

Position: Professor.
Working number: (+994 12 439 35 32)
E-mail: mamedov_knyaz@yahoo.com

1950 was born in the village of Alkhasly in Lachin district. In 1972 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Baku State University and in the same year started to work at the Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. In 1981, he defended his PhD in Minsk, and he completed his doctoral dissertation in 2007. He is the author of 4 books, more than 160 scientific articles and 3 monographs. These works have been published in many scientific journals of Azerbaijan, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Germany, England and the USA. He is married. Father of two children.

Doctor of  Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.

Place of work - Baku city
Since when, and in what department of  BSU works - in the Department of Mathematical Cybernetics since 1994.

theory of algorithms, graph theory and combinatorial analysis methods, construction and analysis of computational algorithms, graph theory and its algorithmic problems, discrete programming problems and Lagrange functions, etc.
The number of articles is 163. Number of monograph -3. Number of books - 7. The number of protected doctors and candidates of sciences under his leadership is 8 Ph.D. and 1 Doctor of Science.
About scientific achievements and ongoing experiments - is the author of several new methods for solving various classes of integer programming problems. Developed new, more efficient methods of reducing the dimension of discrete programming problems. For the first time he solved the problem of disaggregation of the integer equation, which was put by mathematicians of the USA and remained unresolved for more than 30 years.
Information about awards -

He delivered scientific reports in more than 40 international conferences and symposia. The last ones are as follows: - “Construction  of the suboptimal solution in the Bul  proqramming problem by on two estimation of the  variables”. The  Third International Conference  “Problems of  Cybernetics and Informatics”. Baku, 2010, 6-8 september
-Alqorithm for Finding Guaranteed Solution in Knapsack  Problem. IV İnternational Conference“Problems of cybernetics and İnformatics”  Baku, 2012, v.IV,
- Математический  модель  задачи оптимального  размещения и  соединение морских нефтогазовых платформ. Материалы  Международной  Научной  Конференции, посвященной  85-летнему юбилею академика  Мирзаджанзаде. Баку, 2013, 21-21 ноябрь, стр. 155-156.
-Definition of the suboptimist solution and its finding in the Boolean programming problem with interval data. The 5-th International Conference on CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION WITH INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS BAKU, 27-29 August, 2015.
-Finding the guaranteed suboptimal solution to the functional in the integer programming problem. The 6-th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial. Application, Baku, 11-13 July,
2018.-Method of finding suboptimistic and subpessimistic solutions to the mixed-Boolean programming problem with interval data. The 6-th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Application, Baku, 11-13 Jule, 2018.
-Construction of suboptimistic and subpessimistic solution of the mixed-integer intrerval Knapsack problem, Международная Конференция «Достижения в области науки и техники», Воронеж (Россия), 12-14 ноябрь,2018.

Mathematical modeling, optimization methods, discrete programming, mathematical cybernetics, computational mathematics and numerical methods.


1. Лекции  по экономической кибернетики, Баку,2008
2. Задачи  по теории алгоритмов, Баку, 2010.
3. Методы  решения различных классов задач дискретной оптимизации. Баку, Элм, 2011.
4. Теория графов, Баку, 2014.
5. Исследование  по  целочисленной  оптимизации (методы  алгоритмы и вычислительные  эксперименты), Lambert   Academik Publishing (Германия), монография, 2012, 269 с.
6. Теория алгоритмов, Баку, 2014, 176 с.
7. Методы  нахождения гарантированного решения и гарантированого решения в задачах целочисленного программирования, Баку, Элм, 2018, 106 с.

-Definition of the narrow intervals for variables in the integer-valued knapsack problem, Applied and computational Mathematics.(An International Journal).2003, vol.2,№.2. pp,156-160.
- Desegregation of Diophantine Equation with Boolean Variables, Computational Optimization and applications. (USA) 2004 vol.27, №.1. p. 31-36.
-Методы построения приближенных решений многомерной задачи о ранце и нахождение верхней оценки оптимума, Автоматика и Вычислительная техника, (Рига) 2004 №.5.ст.72-82.
- Один подход к решению целочисленной задачи о ранце, «Автоматика и Вычислительная Техника» (Рига), 2005 №5, ст. 56-63.
-Априорное определение границ оптимального значения переменных в задачах целочисленного линейного программирования, «Кибернетика и Системный Анализ», (Киев) 2006 № 2, ст. 86-93.
-Methods of Constructing Suboptimal Solutions of Integer Programming Problems and Successive Improvement of these Solutions, Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, (An International Journal). 2007, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 312-319.
-Модель и алгоритм решения задачи оптимального размещения и соединения морских нефто-газовых платформ. Изв. НАН Аз. 2008,№6.
-Решение  частично- целочисленной задачи о ранце уменьшением  размерности и применением метода динамического программирования. Aвтоматика и Вычислительная  техника, 2015, №4 стр. 58-66.
-«Guaranted solution and its Finding in the Integer  Programming Problems». International Journal of Applied  Science and Texnology, 2015, vol. №4,  p.46-54.
-Понятия субоптимистического и субпессимистического решений и построения их в интервальной задаче Булевого  программирования. Международный Журнал  «Радиоэлектроника, Информатика и Управления», (Украина), 2016, № 3, стр. 99-103.
-Понятие  гарантированного решения по функционалу для многомерной задачи о ранце и методы его построения. Международный  журнал «Радиоэлектроника, Информатика и Управления» (Украина),2018, № 1, стр.166-173.
-Two methods  for construction of suboptimistic  and subpessimistic solutions of the interval problem of mixed-Boolean promming. International Journal  “Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control”, 2018, № 3, p.68-83

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