Mammadova NAzakat Boyukaga
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Methods of Applied Analysis
Official telephone: + (994)50 290 – 16 – 58
She was born on March 4, 1971 in the city of Cuba.
In 1977, she went to the first class of school number 38 in the city of Baku, and graduated in 1987.
In 1987-1992, she studied at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics at BSU.
In 1993-2002, she worked at school number 38, and since 2003, she has been working at BSU at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics.
She is married and has two sons.
1987 - 1992- Higher education.
2007 - 2010 - dissertator
2010 , Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics, 01.01.02 - "Investigation of a number of control problems with a nonlocal condition", specializing in "Differential Equations". N.02.016 dissertational council, Baku State University.
1993-2002 teacher, school number 38 in the city of Baku.
2003-2010, senior laboratory assistant, Baku State University.
2011- 2016 senior lecturer, Baku State University.
He is an associate professor since 2017, BSU, Department of Mathematical Methods of Applied Analysis.
Teaching subjects: Numerical methods, Geometry.
He is the author of 31 scientific and methodical works.
Differential equations, optimal control methods.
- International conference of mathematical sciences, 04-10 august 2009 Istanbul, Turkey Supported by Maltepe University, Abstract book
- Spectral theory and its applications, the International Conference dedicated to the 80-year-old academician F.G.Maksudova, 2010
- Proceedings of the International Russian-Bulgarian Symposium "Equations of mixed type and related problems of analysis and informatics", 2010
- "Mathematical Theories, Problems in Their Application and Implementation" dedicated to Nizami Ganjavi's 870 th anniversary 2011
- IV International conference problems of cybernetics and informatics. Vol. IV sept.12-14, 2012
- According to the materials of the XV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern trends in the development of science and technology", Belgorod, 2016 No. 6-2, June 30
- International scientific conference named "Theoretical and applied problems of Mathematics". Sumgait, 2017
-The boundary problem for the Cauchy–Riemann eguation in a Half-Strip. “Modern problems of innovative technologies and applied mathematics in oil and gas production. Materials of the International Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician Azad Khalil oglu Mirzajanzade. Baku, December 13-14, 2018
- Features of the application of adaptive algorithms in numerical integration methods. Materials of the University Scientific Conference on "A new stage in the development of mathematical science" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Nihan Aliyev. Lankaran, December 28, 2018
1. "Examples and problems of numerical methods" (textbook). Baku, 2011, p. 127.