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Mathematical Cybernetics

The department of “Mathematical Cybernetics” was founded on the basis of the department of “Applied Mathematics” in 1988. The first head of the department who was the pupil of Z.Ya. Tsipkin and M.A. Krasnoselckiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Faradjev Rzabala Hussein.He passed away in 1997. R.H. Faradjev is the author of 90 articles and 10 monographs in the field of theoretical and applied cybernetics. His works which dedicate to Fourier-Qaula transformation are the first works not only U.S.S.R., but also in the world. These works were basis ofspectral approach to the problems about discrete machines which is the one of the first directions in the technical cybernetics. These conclusions played great role in the creating numerical signals and quick algorithm for system using. The first monograph in worldwide literature dedicated to linear sequential machines belongs to him. Professor R.H.Faradjev played a great role in schooling experts in mathematical and technical cybernetics.

The well-known expert in the field of mathematical cybernetics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Kamil Bayramali Mansimov has been the head of the department since 1998.He was born in Bilasuvar region, Azerbaijan in 1950. In 1973, after graduating from the faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Baku State University with honorary diploma, he worked in the Cybernetics Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science with honorary diploma, he worked in the Cybernetics Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences till 1992. He has been working at the faculty of his PhD thesis. In 1994, K.B.Mansimov defended his doctoral thesis titled “Necessary optimality conditions of singular processes in optimal control problems”. He is the author of over 335 works, including 5 monographs and 18 tutorials. Under his supervision, 12 graduate students defended their Ph.D. theses. K.B.Mansimov proposed a new scheme for investigating singular controls and for deriving necessary optimality conditions in optimal control problems. Using this scheme, he derived new original high-order necessary optimality conditions in various optimal control problems for systems with lumped and distributed parameters. K.B.Mansimov has been engaged in the investigation of different multi-stage processes for the recent years. Four PhD theses have been defended under thehis direction. Nowadays he is directing seven candidates for a degree. K.B.Mansimov is the chairman of the Methodical Board of the faculty, as well as the scientific secretary of an expert commission of Supreme Examination Board on mathematics and mechanics at the President of Azerbaijan Republic. In 2009, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev was awarded the “Tereggi” medal, In 2019, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, was awarded the Order of “Shohret”, by the Order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2019 on the anniversary of the Baku State University. Awarded the "Jubilee medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the 100th anniversary of the Baku State University (1919-2019)".

The professor of department Knyaz Mammedov engages in using of discrete solutions of different classes of optimal problems. He is the author of some methods about optimal and suboptimal solutions of real and Bul programming problems which has one and many limitations. He is author of many articles which is published in very popular scientific journals and one monograph. Six PhD theses have been defended under his direction. Under his scientific guidance, eight graduate students defended their Ph.D., and 1 doctoral candidate defended his doctoral dissertation. He is the author of 4 teaching aids, 3 monographs (one of them is published in Germany) and more than 160 scientific papers. Solved the problem of the disintegration of the integer equation established by American mathematicians and which has not been resolved for more than 30 years. It proposes ways to search for suboptimistic and sub-pessimistic solutions for coordinated programming issues in the form of intervals. He provided reliable solutions and guaranteed suboptimic solutions for various classes of issues of complete programming and worked on his algorithms for their installation. Associate professor Hashim Shimiyev engages in problems about mathematical methods of conflicts. Associate professor Hamidov Sabir engages in problems about mathematical methods of dynamic economical models using non-smooth methods of analyzing.

Associate Professor Ramazanov was a trainee-researcher and post-graduate student at the Belarusian State University in 1984-1989. In 1990, he defended his PhD thesis on mathematical cybernetics specialty 01.01.09 on the theme "Error of gradient extrema in the problematic discrete optimization" at the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The prominent Belarusian scientist is a fertilization professor, professor of the Belarus State Prize, Vladimir Alexeyevich Emelichev. A.Ramazanov has proved the criteria of Grosyn for optimization of gradient extremum for a broader class of problems, has introduced a few discrete features and has characterized them. In the case of discrete optimization, the method has been proposed to find the guaranteed error of the gradient extremum, of the discrete convex optimization. For discrete-argument functions, the concept of twisting has been investigated, and the stability of the gradient algorithm has been studied in the term of warranty error in smaller excitations of curvature and steepnes. In May 2018, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the dissertation council of the Institute of Management Systems of ANAS on the specialty 3338.01 - Systematic analysis, management and information processing on "Qualitative investigation of faults in quadratic type algorithms and some mixed issues".

Senior Lecturer Aslanova Nailya is the specialist in the sphere of linear sequential machines and finite automats.
Associate professor Alieva Saadet engages in 2-paramater optimal control problem which is the type of Fornazini-Markenzi. She got necessary conditions of 1st and 2nd dimensions for optimality.  Associate professor Ahmadova J.B.

Now seven lecturers and one laboratory assistant are working at the department :

  1. Mansimov Kamil Bayramali - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.
  2. Mamedov Knyaz Shiraslan - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.
  3. Hamidov Sabir Isa - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor.
  4. Ramazanov Ali Begdash - Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor.
  5. Ahmedova Zhala Bılal - candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, assistant of  professor
  6. Aliyeva Saadat Tofig- canditate of physical and mathematical science, assistant of professor

In 1993,  the department  of “Informational Technologies and Programming” was founded on the basis  of the department. The courses of  “Discrete mathematics”, “Mathematical Logic”, “Theory of Algorithm”, ”Economical cybernetics” and “Graph Theory ” are being given in the department for bachelors. Masters are being schooled in two specialties: Mathematical Cybernetics and Discrete Systems.

The following seminars are being permanently held in the department:

The following monographs and tutorials have been published by the members of the department:

  1. Фараджев Р.Г. Линейные последовательные машины. M. "Сов. радио", 1973
  2. Fərəcov R.H., Şimiyev H.V. Diskret riyaziyyat. Bakı. BDU nəşriyyatı. 1998.
  3. Fərəcov R.H., Cavadov R.M. Diskret riyaziyyat. Bakı. BDU nəşriyyatı. 1992. 54 s.
  4. K.Ş. Məmmədov, K.B.Mənsimov, S.İ. Həmidov. "İqtisadi kibernetikadan mühazirələr" dərs vəsaiti. Bakı, BDU nəşriyyatı, 2008.
  5. K.B. Mənsimov. Diskret riyyaziyyatdan mühazirələr (dərs vəsaiti). Bakı, BDU nəşriyyatı, 2008.
  6. К.Б. Мансимов, А.Б.Рамазанов. Сборник задач по дискретной математике. (учебное пособие). Баку, Изд-во БГУ, 2008, 142 с.
  7. K.Ş. Məmmədov, K.B.Mənsimov, Əhmədova J.B., Əliyeva S.T. Alqoritmlər nəzəriyyəsindən məsələlər. BDU nəşriyyatı, 2010.
  8. Mənsimov K.B., Əhmədova J.B., Əliyeva S.T. Diskret riyaziyyatdan çalışmalar (dərs vəsaiti). Bakı, BDU nəşriyyatı, 2010.
  9. K.Ş. Məmmədov, S.İ. Həmidov. Riyazi məntiq və diskret riyaziyyatın əsasları. Bakı, BDU nəşriyyatı, 2010.
  10. Асланова Н.Х., Мансимов К.Б. Лекции по дискретной математике. Баку, БГУ, 2011, 150 с.
  11. N.X.Aslanova, K.Ş. Məmmədov, K.B.Mənsimov, Əhmədova J.B., Qraflar nəzəriyyəsi, dərs vəsaiti. BDU nəşriyyatı, Bakı, 2014.
  12. Mənsimov K.B. Qursa-Darbu sistemləri ilə optimal idarəetmə. Bakı, BDU nəşriyyatı, 1998, 114 s.
  13. Mənsimov K.B. Diskret riyaziyyatdan mühazirələr (II nəşr). Bakı, BDU nəşriyyatı, 2014, 116 s.
  14. Mənsimov K.B., Əhmədova J.B., Əliyeva S.T. Diskret riyaziyyatdan məsələlər. Bakı, BDU nəşriyyatı, 2013, 130 s.
  15. Асланова Н.Х., Алиева С.Т., Мансимов К.Б. Конечные автоматы. Баку. Изд-во БГУ, 2017, 132 с.
  16. Mənsimov K.B., Feyziyev F.G., Aslanova N.X. Kodlaşdırma nəzəriyyəsi. Bakı. Bakı Universiteti nəşriyyatı. 2009, 226 c.
  17. Алиева С.Т., Ахмедова Ж.Б., Мансимов К.Б. Задачи по дискретной математике. Баку. 2016, 140 с.
  18. Мансимов К.Б. Дискретные системы. Баку. Изд-во БГУ, 2013, 151 с.
  19. Abdullayev A.Ə., Mənsimov K.B., Məstəliyev R.O. Riyazi məntiqdən məsələ və çalışmalar. Bakı, BDU nəşriyyatı, 2014, 150 s.
  20. Abdullayev A.Ə., Əhmədova J.B., Məmmədov K.Ş., Mənsimov K.B. Alqoritmlər nəzəriyyəsi. Bakı. 2014. 186 c.
  21. Mənsimov K.B., Əhmədova J.B., Əliyeva S.T. Diskret analiz. Bakı, BDU nəşriyyatı, 20183, 302 s.
  22. Мансимов К.Б. Особые управления в системах с запаздыванием. Баку, Изд-во «ЭЛМ», 1999, 176 с.
  23. Мансимов К.Б., Марданов М.Дж. Качественная теория оптимального управления системами Гурса-Дарбу. Баку, Изд-во «ЭЛМ», 2010, 360 с.
  24. Марданов М.Дж., Меликов Т.К., Мансимов К.Б. Необходимые условия оптимальности второго порядка и исследование особых управлений в системах с запаздыванием. Баку, Изд-во «ЭЛМ», 2011, 363 с.
  25. Абдуллаев А.А., Мансимов К.Б. Необходимые условия оптимальности в процессах, описываемых системой интегральных уравнений типа Вольтерра. Баку, Изд-во «ЭЛМ», 2013, 224 с.
  26. Мансимов К.Б., Масталиев Р.О. Оптимизация процессов описываемых разностными уравнениями Вольтерра. Изд-во “Lambert”, 2017, 263 с.
  27. К.Ш. Мамедов. Методы решения различных классов задач дискретной оптимизации. Баку, «ELM» 2011, 344 стр.


The members of the department have been participating in the following conferences:

  1. 7-th IFAC Workshop on contr. applic. of nonlinear program. and optimiz. USSR. Tbilisi, 1988.
  2. II Всесоюзная школа «Понтрягинские чтения». Оптимальное управление. Кемерово, 1988.
  3. Международный Советско-Польский семинар «Мат. методы оптим. управления и их прил.». Минск, 1989.
  4. III Всесоюзная школа «Понтрягинские чтения». Оптимальное управление. Кемерово, 1990.
  5. Всесоюзная конференция «Негладкий анализ и его приложения к мат. экономике». Баку, 1991.
  6. XVI Всесоюзная школа по теории операторов в функциональных пространствах. Нижний Новгород, 1991.
  7. I междун. конф. по мат.экономике, негладкому анализу и информатике. Баку, 1997.
  8. International Conference "Dynamical systems". Minsk, 1998.
  9. I международн. конф. «Обратные задачи теоретическ. и матем. физики».
  10. The forst Intern. Conf. on control and optimiz. with Industrial Appl. Baku, 2005.
  11. The second Intern. Conf. on control and optimiz. with Industrial Appl. Baku, 2008.
  12. Международная конференция «Современные проблемы математики, информатики и экономики.» посвященной 90 летию Бакинского Государственного Университета. Баку, 27 октября, 2009, с. 26-29.
  13. The third International Conference “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics”, volume 3, september, 6-8, 2010, Baku, Azerbaijan
  14. Türk dünyası riyaziyyatçıları cəmiyyətinin IV konqresi. 1-3 iyul 2011-ci il.
  15. Международная конференция «Динамические системы, устойчивость, управление, оптимизация» посвященная к 95-летию со дня рождения акад. Е.А. Барбашина. 1-5 октября 2013 г. Минск, Беларусь.
  16. Международная конференция «Актуальные проблемы математики и информатики» посвященный к 90-летию Г.А. Алиева. 29-31 мая. 2013
  17. Concision Mathematics conference. 2014. September, 5-6, 2014. Tbilisi, Georgia.
  18. Международная конференция посвященной 55-летию ИМ и М НАН Азербайджана. Баку, 15-16 мая, 2014.
  19. The intern. conference on control and optimization with Indus. Appl. Baku, Azerbaijan. 27-28 August. 2015.
  20. Azerb-Turkey-Ukrainan Intern. Conf. Math. Anal., Differential Equations and their. Baku, Azerbaijan 2015. September, 08-15.
  21. Международная конференция «Теоретические и практические проблемы математики». Сумгаит, 2017.

Department provides relation with the  faculty  BM and K in MSU by the name of M.V. Lomonosov, with the faculty of applied math and managing processes in Sankt-Peterburq State University, with the faculty of applied math in Irkutskiy State University, The Institute of Mathematics NAN in Belarus, with the faculty of applied math and informatics in Belarus State University, Belarus Economical State University.

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