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Nabiev Ibrahim

Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics
Phone: (012) 510 44 57
E-mail: nabievim@yahoo.com

Born in 01.02.1961
During 1968-1978 studied at secondary school.
During 1978-1983 studied at the faculty of Applied Mathematics of BSU.
During 1983-1990 worked at the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.
From 1990 tile now works at BSU.
Married, 2 children.

1983 Graduated from BSU.
"Inverse problems for Sturm-Liouvill and Dirac operators with nonseparated boundary conditions" (Ph.D. thesis), 1987
"Properties of the spectra and reconstruction of differential operators on the segment" (D.Sc. thesis), 2007

During 1983-1990 worked at SKB at Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of AS of Azerbaijan.
From 1990 till now works at BSU. From 1993 works at the Department of Applied Mathematics.
Teaches Geometry and Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Theoretical Foundations of Computational Methods. He is the author of 45 papers and 1 book.
Scientific novelty: Complete solution of inverse problems of spectral analysis in several statements for Sturm-Liouvill, Dirac and diffusion operators.

Participated in 7 international symposia and conferences.

Direct and inverse problems of spectral analysis for differential operators.

1. The uniqueness of reconstruction of quadratic bundle for Sturm-Liouville operators // Proseedings of IMM of NAS of Azerb., 2004 V. XX, p. 91-96.
2. Asymptotics and mutual location of eigenvalues diffusion operators // Dokl. of NAS of Azerb., 2004, v. 60, № 3-4, p. 3-9.
3. Representation of some entire functions // Baku University News, ser. phyz.-math. sci., 2004, №4, p. 33-39.
4. Characteristic of spectral data of Dirac operators // Transactions of NASA, ser. of phys.-tech. and math. sci., 2004, v.24, №7, p.161-166.
5. The inverse problem for the Sturm-Liouville operator with quasiperiodic boundary conditions // Proceedings of IMM of NASA, 2006 V. XXV, p. 91-94.
6. Solution of the inverse problem for a system Dirac with quasiperiodic boundary conditions // Proceedings of int. symp. "Mixed mixed type equations and related problems of analysis and informatics". Elbrus, 12-17 may, 2008, p. 115-116.
7. Inverse spectral problem for diffusion operator on the segment // Journal of Math. Physics, Analysis, Geometry, 2004, v.11, № 3, p. 302-313.
8. The inverse quasiperiodic problem for a diffusion operator // Dokl. AN, 2007, v. 415, №2, p. 168-170.
9. The inverse spectral problem for pencils of differential operators // Math. sb., 2007, v. 198, №11, p. 47-66 (coauthored with I.M.Guseinov).
10. The properties of the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator with a spectral parameter in the boundary condition. Journal of Qafqaz  University,v. 3,№1, 2015, p. 25-29
11. О формулах следов квадратичного пучка  операторов Штурма-Лиувилля. Вестник БГУ,  серия физ.-мат., 2010. № 2. с.40-48
12. Решение обратной квазипериодической задачи для системы Дирака. Российская АН Математические заметки, том,89, выпуск 6, июнь- 2011,с.885-893.
13. О спектре оператора диффузии со спектральным параметром в граничном условии. Riyaziyyat və informatikanın aktual problemləri. Heydər Əliyevin 90-illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş Beynəlxalq konfransın tezisləri. may 29-31, 2013. Baku. Azerbaijan. s.181-182.
14.Determination of the diffusion operator on an interval//Colloquium Mathematicum, 2014, v.134, №2,  p. 165-178.
15. О спектре квадратичного пучка операторов Штурма-Лиувилля  со спектральным параметром в граничном условии/Материалы Межд. kонференции “Актуальные проблемы математики и механики”, посв. 55-летию ИММ НАН Азербайджана (May 15-17  2014, Baku, Azerbaijan), c.175.
16. Properties of the spectrum and uniqueness of reconstruction of Sturm-Liouville operator with a spectral parameter in the  boundary condition//Proсeedings of IMM of NAS of Azerbaijan, v. 40, special issue,  2014, 10 p.
17. The properties of the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator with a spectral parameter in the boundary condition. Journal of Qafqaz  University,v. 3,№1, 2015, p. 25-29
18. On uniqueness of renewal of Sturm-Liouville operator with nonseparated boundary conditions and with a spectral parameter in the  boundary condition / Azerbaijan-Turkey-Ukrainian International conf. “Math. Analysis, Diff. Eq. and their Applications” (September 08-13, 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan), Abstracts, p.74.
19. Алгоритм восстановления оператора Дирака  со спектральным параметром в граничном условии // Журнал выч. матем. и матем. физики, 2016, т. 56, №2, с. 252-258.
20.An inverse problem for Sturm–Liouville operators with non-separated boundary conditions containing the spectral parameter//Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, 2016, v. 24, № 4, p. 407-411.
21. Свойства спектра  оператора Штурма-Лиувилля со спектральным параметром в граничном условии/Akademik M.L. Rəsulovun 100 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş “Nəzəri və tətbiqi riyaziyyatın aktual məsələləri” elmi konfransının materialları, 2016, 4 s.
22.Обратная задача для оператора Штурма-Лиувилля со спектральным параметром в граничном условии//“Modern mathematics and its applications” Papers of the International scientific-practical conference, Part II, 18–20 May 2017, Ufa , p. 103-107.
23. О разрешимости одной обратной задачи спектрального анализа/Межд. конф. по теории функций, посв. 100-летию чл.-корр. АН СССР А.Ф. Леонтьева. Сборник тезисов (г. Уфа, 24-мая 2015 г.), c. 61-62.
24.Асимптотика и взаимное  расположение собственных  значений  операторов диффузии с неразделенными  граничными условиями и со спектральным  параметром в  граничном  условии//Вестник БГУ, сер. физ.-матем.,  2017, № 3.
25.Восстановление оператора Штурма-Лиувилля с неразделенными граничными условиями и со спектральным параметром в граничном условии//Укр. мат. журн. 2017, № 9, c. 1217-1223.
26.Единственность  восстановления системы  Дирака  по трем спектрам//Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics V. 8, No 1, 2018, P. 3-8.
27.О разрешимости  обратной задачи для  оператора диффузии на отрезке/International conference "Operators, Functions, and Systems of Mathematical Physics Conference" (OFSMPC), dedicated to Professor Hamlet Isakhanli’s 70th anniversary, Baku, 20-24 May, 2018.

Mathematical analysis I. BSU, 2007 (coauthored with A.A.Mehdiyev, R.T.Pashayev).

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