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Operation research and probability theory

History of the Department

The Department was established in 2015. The department was beginning to function with the school load in the volume 5896  hours.Head of the department dos.Hamidov.R.H. In present time there are 9 members at the department, 2 Doctor of Science,  6 PhD and a leading laborant.

Collaborators of the department:

  1. Assistant professor, candidate of physics-mathematical sciences Həmidov Rafail Hüseyn
  2. Professor, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences Rahimov Fada Hannan
  3. Professor, doctor of  sciences in mathematicss  Aliyev Rovshan Telman
  4. Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Hacıyev Valeh Hilal
  5. Assistant professor, candidate of physics-mathematical sciences Allahverdiyeva Narmina Karim
  6. Assistant professo, candidate of physics-mathematical sciences Mammadova Elnara Bayram
  7. Assistant professor, candidate of physics-mathematical sciences Tahirov Mahir Farrux
  8. Assistant professor, candidate of physics-mathematical sciences Qasımov Qurban Rahim
  9. Assistant professor,candidate of physics-mathematical sciences Aghayeva Mirvari Hasanaga

Scientific direction of the Department on 2018-2020 years

1.Some multiobjective, cooperative, crips and fuzzy decision making problems and the ways their solution.
2. Statements, modeling and analysis of some theoretical and practical stochastic problems.


Terminological Dictionary in Probability and Statistics. (in four languages: azeri,english, russian, turkish).2002. (authors: D.Allahverdiyev, A.Hajiyev, H.Ahmadova).
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. Textbook. Author:A.Ahmadova.
Mathematical Statistics. Author: H.Ahmadova.
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. Methodical book. Author:V.Hajiyev.
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. Encyclopedia. 1300p. Accepted for publication 2009. (authors: D.Allahverdiyev, A.Hajiyev, H.Ahmadova).
Equations of Mathematical Physics. Textbook.Author: G.Gasimov.2008.
R.H. Həmidov, Ş.Q. Baimov "Əməliyyatlar tədqiqi misal və məsələlərdə" Bakı, 2002. ("Исследование операций в примерах и задачах"),
C. E. Allahverdiyev, Ş.Q.Baimov, E.B.Sultanova "Riyazi modelləşdirmə", Bakı, 2004 («Математическое моделирование»)

The following courses are also offered:

Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Additional Chapters of Probability Theory, Stochastic Analysis, Sequential Statistical Analysis, Computer Statistics, Queuing Theory, Renewal Theory, Semi-Markov Random Walk, Mathematical Statistics, Mathematical modeling, Operation Research and theory of game

International connections

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Shevchenko Ukrainian State University, Institute of Mathematics, Ukraine National Academy of Sciences, Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Razmadze Institute of Mathematics (Georgia), Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Italy), Lincoln University (USA), University of Southern California (USA), Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Umea University (Sweden), Fern University (Germany), Lisbon University (Portugal).

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