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Ragimov Fada

Scientific degree and post now in BSU: PhD f.m.s., prof.
Office number: 5391169
E - mail: ragimovf@rambler.ru

Was born in 1957 in Ismailli area of the Azerbaijan Republic. 
Married, has 3 children.

In 1979 year graduated BSU. In 1985 year has protected the candidate dissertation on a theme «Limiting theorems for the moments of the first exit of processes with independent increments».
In 2008 year has protected the dissertation for a doctor's degree on a theme «Limiting theorems for nonlinear boundary functional the perturbed of random walk and their application in the statistical sequential analysis». 

In IMM NАSА and from 1990 works on the chair "Probability theory and the mathematical statistics » of BSU.
Teaches subjects: «The Probability theory and the mathematical statistics», «Additional heads of probability theory and the mathematical statistics» and «Statistical sequential analysis», has more than 150 scientific works, the author of 2 books. 

The theory of boundary problems for random processes, sequential analysi and renewal theory.

In 2005 year Tashkent (Uzbekistan), in 2012-2016 year Kiev, in 2018 year Baki.

1. Ragimov F.G. About asymptotical behaviour of one class of the moments of the first exit abroad in multidimensional random walk // Prob. theory and it application. 2005, т.50, century 3, pp. 579-585 
2. Ragimov F.G. On the limiting behaviour of probabilities of nonlinear crossing by the revolted random walk with an infinite average// Lect. NASA, 2005, №2 pp. 10-15
3. Ragimov F.G.. On the asymptotical behaviour of local probabilities of crossing of nonlinear borders the perturbed random walk //Lect. NASA, 2005, №4,
4. Ragimov F. On the limit behavior of conditional probabilities of crossing of nonlinear boundaries by perturbed random walk//Transactions of NAS of Azerbaijan, 2005, №, p.
5. Ragimov F. The limit theorems for one clаss of moments of first intersection of nonlinear boundary by multidimensional random walk. Proseedings of IMM of NAS of Azerbaijan, 2005, p.95-100
6. Ragimov F.G. The integral limit theorems for time of crossing of nonlinear borders by sums of independent sizes. //the Theory probab. and it's aplication, 2005, т.50, century 1, s.158-161
7. Об асимптотическом поведении локальных вероятностей пересечения нелинейных границ многомерным случайным блужданием -Теория вероятностей и ее применение Журнал имени А.Н.Колмогорова, 2009, т.54, вып. 2, с.367-374.
8. Асимптотическое поведение среднего значения времени пересечения нелинейных границ случайным блужданием -Proceeding of JMM of NAS of Azerb, 2010, v. XXXIII (XLJ), p. 149-152
9. On asymptotic behavior of conditional probabi-lity of crossing the nonlinear boundary by a perturbed random walk -Theory of stochastic Processes kol. 17(33) no.1,2011,p.5-11
10. Интегральные предель ные теоремы для момента первого выхода цепи Маркова за нелинейную границу -Теория вероятностей и ее применения Журнал имени А.Н.Колмогорова ТОМ 57 выпуск 1 2012
11. On the asymptotics of the mean value of the moment of the first level-crossing by the first order autoregression process(AR(1))- Transactions of national academy of sciences of Azerbaijan. 2014v.XXXIV,№4 p.93-96
12. On the asymptotics of the mean value of the moment of the first level-crossing by the first orde avtoreqresssion process(AR(1)) b-Transactions of NAS of Azerbaijan  XXXIV, 2015,
13. On asymptotic behavior of the mean value of the family of the first exit time of random walk described by a nonlinear function of first order autoregression process ( AR(1))- Of national academy of sciences of Azerbaijan, Series of physical-technical and mathematical sciences, Volume XXXVI, Baku,2016, səh. 134-138
14. Limit theorems for the random walk described by the autoregression process of order one-Proceddings of the İnstitute of applied mathematics, V.5. №.1 2016, pp/ 25-31
15. «Central limit theorem for a familiy of the first passage times of the level by a random walk described by the autoregression process of order one (AR(1))» Proceedings of the Internetional  conference  devotet to the 80-th anniversary of academican Akif Hajiyev.Bakı 2017, pp 177-178
16. «Limit theorems for the first passage time of the level by random üalk described by a nonlinear function of autoregression process of order one AR(1)»  Proceedings of the Internetional  conference  devotet to the 80-th anniversary of academican Akif Hajiyev. Bakı 2017, pp 179

1. Probability theory and the mathematical statistics 2012.
2. Convergence problems in probability theory.1998

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