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Shamilova Bahar Gurban

PhD in Mathematics,  lecturer
e-mail: bahar322@mail.ru

Was born on April 12, 1981  in Baku.
She studied in secondary school №3 in Khirdalancity from 1988 to 1992.
She studied at high school №157 in Baku city from 1992 to 1998.
In 1998 she entered in the bachelor's degreeon the ‘Mechanic-mathematical’ faculty of the Baku State University and has ended in 2002. In 2002 she entered in the master’s degree on the ‘Applied mathematics and cybernetics’faculty of the Baku State University and ended in 2004.She studied at the graduate school degree at the department of "Applied mathematics and cybernetics" and ended it with a degree in "Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics" from 2004 to 2007.
In 2005 she is working at BSU.
She is married and has two children.

01.0.2000-The International Center for Education.Computer İBM PC / AT. DRİ №00554
01.0.2001-The International Center for Education. English DRİ №00718
10.12.2003-Certificate of Excellence ELTON. CorelDraw, AdobePhotoshop
ANAS Institute of Information Technology.Informatics №37F-19 / 28.06.05.
Education, scientific degrees and academic titles
In 2011 she defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics on "Research Of Distribution Of Processes Semimarkov Of Walking With Two Detaining Screens And Its The Basic Boundary Functional"

In 2004-2016 she worked as a teacher in BSU.
She worked as a chief assistant at the department of "Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics" from 2009 to 2011.
She worked as a chief assistantat the department of "Mathematical economics" from 2011 to 2013.
She worked a chief assistant at the department of "Informatics" from 2013 to 2014.
Since 2014 she worked as a teacher at the Department of "Informatics", and since 2016 works as a senior lecturer at the same department.
While working at the department "Mathematical Economics", conducted lessons on subjects "Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics", "Econometrics", "Economic informatics", "Application of information systems in the economy", "Mathematical Statistics".
Currently teaching subjects - "Computer Science", "Informatics and ICT in education", "Econometrics".
The author of 20 scientific articles and co-author of a manual one.

1.  T.I.Nasirova, U.Y.Kerimova, B.Q.Samilova. Laplace Transformation of the Distribution of the Timeof System Sojourns with in a Band. //MathematicaAEterna, International Journal for Pure and Applied Mathematics, Bulgaria-2014, Vol.4, 2014, No. 5, 437 – 444.
2.  T.I.Nasirova, B.Q.Samilova, U.Y.Kerimova. Definition Of Laplace-StieltjesTransformfor The Ergodic Distribution Of The Semi-Markov Random Process//Sylwan Journal, Poland-2014, v.158, No 6, ISI indexed, pp.50-58.
3.  B.Q.Samilova, F. Z. Mirzayev, R.M.Quliyev, N.A.Quliyeva. About econometric study of some of the factors  affecting economic growth//Sylwan Journal, Poland-2015, v.159, No 8, ISI indexed, pp.233-241.4.  Насирова Т.И., Шамилова Б.Г.  Исследование некоторых вероятностных характеристик одного класса полумарковских блужданий с задерживающими экранами// Автоматика и вычислительная техника, научно-теоретический журнал, Рига-2014, стр. 64-75, ISSN 0132-4160. 
5.  B.Q.Shamilova “ThedevelopmentoftourisminAzerbaijan” Актуальные проблемы гуманитарных и естественных наук. Цит. РИНЦ,  İSSN: 2073-0071. №3-2,  М. : Изд. Научно-информационный издательский центр и редакция журнала- 2016. стр.14-16.
6.  BaharŞamilova, FarhadMirzəyev, NərminQuliyeva “AzərbaycanRespublikasınıniqtisadivəinzibatirayonvəşəhərləriüzrə 2012/13-cü tədrisilininəvvəlinədövlətvəqeyri-dövlətəyaniümumitəhsilmüəssisələrindəşagirdlərindərsədavamiyyətinətəsiredənfaktorlaradair” Journalof  QafqazUniversity-philologyandpedagogy, vol.3, No 2, 2015, p.205-210.
7.  SelahattinMaden, BaharŞamilova “The Laplace transform of a boundary functional of the semi-markov random walk process with two delaying barriers” Ordu Univ. Bil. TekDerg. Cilt:6, Sayi: 1, 2016, Ordu Univ.J.Sci.Tech.Vol:6, No:1, 2016, p.43-53.
8. Научная дискуссия: вопросы экономики и управления: сб. ст. по материалам LIX Международной научно-практической конференции «Научная дискуссия: вопросы экономики и управления». – № 2 (58). – М., Изд. «Интернаука», 2017, стр. 118-126.
9. Selahattin Maden, Bahar Şamilova ‘Econometric analysis of the impact of the GDP of the non-oil sector in Azerbaijan’s economy’ Ordu Univ. Bil. Tek Derg. Cilt:7, Sayi: 1, 2017, Ordu Univ.J.Sci.Tech.Vol:7, No:1, p.1-10.
10. Б.Г.Шамилова. Об одной задаче аппроксимации экспертных данных / Əhmədov Qoşqar Teymur oğlunun anadan olmasının 100 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş Respublika elmi konfransı, 2017, səh.288-289.
11. Б.Г.Шамилова. Об одной задаче аппроксимации на классе d-непрерывных одномерных функций //Актуальные проблемы прикладной математики, материалы, 22-26 мая 2018 г., Нальчик-Эльбрус.
12. Бахар Шамилова, Севиндж Расулова. Применение программы Мimio Studio в процессе образовния // XXXII Материалы Международной научно-практической интернет-конференции «Тенденции и перспективы развития науки и образования в условиях глобализации», 31 январья 2018 года, сборник научных трудов, Переяслов-Хмельницкий, 2018, вып.32, стр.475-479.

    F.H.Rəhimov, B.Q.Şamilova “Ehtimalnəzəriyyəsininyığılmaməsələlərivə limit teoremləri” metodikgöstəriş, Bakı 2010.

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