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Shimiyev Hashim

Candidate of Science in Physics and Mathematics, docent
438 25 18
[email protected]

I, Shimiyev Hashim Vali was born on January 2, 1952 in Bist village, Ordubad district of the Autonomous Republic of Nakchivan. In 1958 I entered the secondary school of Bist village. In 1968 I graduated from the secondary school No. 7 of Nakchivan City with silver medal. In the same year I entered the Department of Mechanics-Mathematics of Baku State University. In 1973 I graduated from the Department of Applied Mathematics and was directed to work at the Institute of Cybernetics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS). In 1973-1977 I studied at the postgraduate level at Baku State University (BSU). In 1974-1978 I worked at the Centre of Counts at Baku State University. In 1978-1995 I worked at the Special Constructor Bureau of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics at ANAS.
In 1984 I defended my thesis to obtain the degree of Candidate of Science in Physics and Mathematics. In 1974-1988 I worked as a freelance instructor at Baku State University, Technical University and the University of Construction Engineers. From 1988 to 1997 I worked as the Chairman of the Executive Board of "Ziya" cooperative. In 1997 I was elected for the position of docent of the Chair of Mathematical Cybernetics at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics at Baku State University. Currently I work in the same position. I am the author of approximately 40 scientific works.

neçənci ildə hansı universiteti bitirib, 1973, Baku State University
namizədlik dissertasiyasının mövzusu və müdafiə etdiyi il, 1984, The conclusion methods of the game problems of linear successive machines with discrete management

ANAS, Institute of Cybernetics; ANAS Institute of Mathematics-Mechanics, BSU
1997, Mathematical cybernetics
Discrete mathematics, mathematical logic, system theory, applied algebra, conflict theory, mathematical logic and models of discrete mathematics etc.

I have attended international conferences in 1989 in Bulgaria, in 2001 in Turkey, in 2007 in the Islamic Republic of Iran and in Baku.

Game theory, conflict theory

1. Study of conflicts. "Bilgi" journal. Pysics, Mathematics, Earth Sciences, fizika, No 3-4, 2005
2. Study of conflicts - conducting negotiations
3. Social Analysis of the Educational System. Odlar Yurdu University News, 2007
4. Conflicts in the Educational System
5. On game problem with double linear successive machine (DLGM) with zero initial state
6. Хəтти ardıcıllıq maşınlarında kollektiv münaqişəli davranışlar, Вестник БГУ, сер. Физ.-мат. Наук, 2009, №2, с.82-93
7. Математическое моделирование конф-ликтных ситуаций. Вестник БГУ, серия физ-мат. наук, 2011, № 4
8. Математическое моделирование конфликтных ситуаций. Baki Universitetinin xəbərləri, fizika-riyziyyat elmləri seriyası 2012, N1
9. Münaqişə situasiyalarının oyun modelləri. Bakı Universitetinin xəbərləri. Fizika –riyaziyyat elmləri seriyası. N-2. ,2013, c. 45-53
10. Münaqiıələr nəzəriyyəsində qərar qəbuletmənin əsas prinsipləri. BDU-nun xəbərləri.Fiz-riy. ser. səh.50-59
11. Petri şəbəkəsi və  münaqişə situ-asiyaları. BDU-nun xəbərləri  2015 № 4, səh. 72-81

1. Thoughts on Cybernetics. "Elm", 1989
2. Discrete mathematics. BSU, 1998

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