Mammadova Elnara
Candidate of physic-mathematical science, assistant professor
working telephone: + (994) 12 438 72 94
20.10.1970 was borh in Cuba region.
1978-1988 - was learned in the school N 1 of the 1-st Nugadi village of Cuba region.
1991-1996 - received the higher education on the Mechanic-mathematical faculty of Baku State University.
2000-2005 was dissertant of the Operation research and mathematical modelling department of Baku State University.
From 1998 year till today is working on the Operation research and Mathematical modelling department of Baku State University.
1991-1996, student, Mechanic-mathematical faculty, Baku State University.
2008, "Spectral analysis of the operators bunches polynomial
depending of the spectral parameter in the Banach space"
1. 1998 till today, teachcer, Operation research and mathematical modelling department, Applied mathematics and cybernetics fa culty, Baku State University.
2. 2004, teacher, Operation research and mathematical modelling department, Applied mathematics and cybernetics faculty.
3. 1998-2004, senior laboratory assistant, Operation research and mathematical modelling department, Applied mathematics and cybernetics faculty, Baku State University.
4. Carring out lessons: Operation research and the game theory,
5. the mathematical modelling.
6. Author of 40 scientific articles and three school textbook.
Spectral analysis of the operator bunches polynomial depending of the spectral parameter in the Banach space.
26-27 January 2001, Baku, Azerbaijan; the scientific conference devoted to the 70 anniversary of the member-correspondent of NASA, prof. Y.C. Mamedov.
17-19 May 2006, Baku, Azerbaijan; XII International mathematics and mechanics conference devoted to the 70 anniversary of the member-correspondent of NASA, prof. B.A. Iskenderov.
2006, Baku, Azerbaijan;
the scientific conference devoted to the 75 anniversary of the member-correspondent, prof. Y.C. Mamedov.
2-3 November 2007, Nahichevan, Azerbaijan; International sym posium "Modern problems of mathematics, mechanics and informatics".
1. Султанова Э.Б. О полноте корневых элементов неограниченных операторных пучков // Вестник Бакинского Университета, серия физ.-матем. наук, 2007, №1, с.40-44.
2. Султанова Э.Б. Оценки резольвент некоторых оператор-функций в банаховом пространстве // Вестник Бакинского Университета, серия физ.-матем. наук, 2006, №1, с.70-74.
3. Sultanova G.B.Polnota sistemı sobstvennıx i prisoedinennıx glementov odnoqo klassa polinomialğnıx operatornıx puçkov / Materialı XII Mejdunarodnoy konferenüii po matematike, mexanike, posvəş. 70-letnemu öbileö çlena korr, NANA, professora B.A.İskenderova, Baku, 2006, s.161.
4. Sultanova G.B. O polnote kornevıx glementov neoqraniçennıx operatornıx puçkov // Vestnik Bakinskoqo Universiteta, seriə fiz.-matem. nauk, 2007, №1, s.40-44.
5. Sultanova G.B. O polnote kornevıx glementov odnoqo nesamosoprəjennoqo operatora iz teorii ədernıx reaktorov / Aspirantların və gənc tədqiqatçıların XII Respublika elmi konfransının materialları. Bakı, 2007, s.
6. К спектральной теории квадра-тичных опера-торных пучков -National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Proceeding of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, №4, рр.123-129, Бакы, 2013.
7. On multiple completeness of the system of eigen and associated vectors of a class of operator bundles - Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, vol.8, № 19, 921-929, Bulgaria, 2014.
8. Критерий существования собственных значений линейных многопараметрических систем - Pure and applied mathematics.Vol 4, İssue4-1, pp 12-17, 2015
9. о некоторых спектральных свойствах одного типа квадратичных операторных пучков - Azərbaycan Pedaqoji universitetinin xəbərləri, 2015, səh 93-102, №1
10. «О полноте системы собственных и при соединенных век торов квадратичных операторных пучков» Riyaziyyatın tətbiqi məsələləri və yeni informasiya texnologiyaları” mövzu sunda keçirilən III Respublika elmi konfras, 15.12. 2016,Sumqayıt ş. pp.72
11. ««О двукратной полноте собственных и присоединенных векторов одного класса операторных пучков второго порядка» Sumaqayıt Dövlət Universitetinin yaradılmasının 55 illiyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyatın nəzəri və tətbiqi problemləri” beynəlxalq elmi konfransının materialları, Bakı 2017, pp. 84-85
1. Riyazi modellesdirme", 2004, 209 pages, co-autors: D.E. Allahverdiyev, Sh.G. Baimov.
2. «Matrix games» , 2015
3. «Elements of operational research» 2018
4. “Əməliyyatlar tədqiqindən çalışmalar” -2020