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The Department Information science

The department of "Information science" was founded by the order R-81 of rector,  July 11, 2000 at the faculty of "Applied mathematics and cybernetics" to ensure the wide use of new information technologies, computer engineering in the learning process and the transition of teaching the subject "Information science" to a new quality level.
The subject is taught in 13 faculties. The initial staff of the department consisted of 6 people. Associate professorМ.S. Khalilov headed the department since its foundation until 07.05.2016 year. Employees of the department are conductingteaching along with scientific researches.
In 2000-2004 years for the first time in the Republic were held republican conferences on "Information technology and applicationssoftwares". The department carries on research work in the direction of "Organization of complex connections in global networks. Information security in networks".  In this researches studies the continuity of operations in the networking technologies, software distributed query processing, explores the use of optimal methods for remote management of information resources in large volumes.
Subject programs, textbooks, workbooks developed at the department used in other universities of the Republic too. During this time employees published more than 300 papers, including 10 in the international journals with Impact factor, about 10 textbooks and tutorials.
From  07/05/2016- to  15.09. 2019  the department head by a  prof. K.R.Ayda-zade.

Since 05.07.2019  the department head a associate professor Khalilov. M.S.
At the present the department has1 professor, 7 associate professors, 1 senior teacher.

Staffof the department:

1.  KhalilovМ.S. – Cand. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), associate professor, head of the department
2.  Guliyev N.A. - Cand. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), associate professor
3.  Hasanova Н.А. – Cand. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), associate professor
4.  Dadashova I.B. – PhD in Mathematics, associate professor
5.  Ashrafova Y. R. -  PhD in Physics and Mathematics, associate professor
6.  Rasulova S.R.- PhD in Mathematics, associate professor
7. Shamilova B.G. - associate professor
8.  Aliyeva F.A. – lecturer

Subjects taught at the department:
Computer and ICT in education, InformationScience, Information Science and ICT in education, Information Science and computer  technology,  computer  technology in librarian sphere, Computer Graphics, Information technologies in tourism, information Science and programming, computer modeling, ICT in education, methods of teaching Mathematics, Computer Networks and network operating systems, databases, Basics of educational curriculum, Architecture of computer and operating systems, web programming, Solution of applications problems,System and software provision, Networks and their use, information systems and databases, VTS technology, Modern technology and training, multiprocessor computer systems, modern network technology, database management systems, Programming on the Internet.Modern technology and training, multiprocessor computer systems, modern network technology, database management systems, Programming on the Internet.

Scientific directions of the department:
1. Theory character recognition
2. Computer simulation.
3. Numerical methods ofcomputational mathematics, development of algorithms for solving complex applications problem.

Tutorials and programs published recently in the department:
Xəlilov M.S., N.Ə.Həsənova  “İnformatika”, dərslik,(Yeni işlənmiş nəşr), Bakı, 2016, 420s.
Xəlilov M.S., L.İ.Əmirova «Основыинформатики» (Yeni işlənmiş nəşr), учебник, 2016, 320 с.
Alışov M.Ə., Xəlilov M.S. “Windows 7”, MS-Office 2013, dərs vəsaiti, 2016, 181 s.
S.Quliyeva, M.Xəlilov, “Tətbiqi proqramlar”, dərs vəsaiti, 2016, 180 s.
İrada Dadashova. İnformatics and Basics of  Computer Skills, “Ləman nəşriyyat poliqrafiya”, MMC, Baku -2016, 292p.
M.S.Xəlilov. N.Ə.Həsənova. “İnformatika”,  Bakı-2015, 415s.
Elmira İsrafilova, Nazli Həsənova. “İnformasiya texnalogiyalari sistemləri”, Bakı -Mutərcim-2015, 310s.
Natiq Quluyev. “Microsoft Office Publisher 2010”,  Bakı -2015, 183s.
M.S.Xəlilov, N.Ə.Həsənova, L.İ.Əmirova. “Windows7, MS Office 2010”, Bakı -2014, 183s.
Natiq Quluyev, Zəfər Şamilov. “İnformatika”, Bakı -2013, 728s.

International Relations of Department
The department is establishing scientific relations with universities of some foreign countries. Employees of the department are regularly speakat the international scientific conferences and keep in touch with foreign colleagues.

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