Yegana Ramiz Ashrafova
Doctor of Mathematics, associate professor
She was born on May 18 in 1981 in Shusha, Azerbaijan.
In 1998-2002-years she studied at the faculty “Applied mathematics and cybernetics” in Baku State University, on bachelour degree
In 2002-2004-years she studied at the faculty “Applied mathematics and cybernetics” in Baku State University, on master degree
In 2004-2007-years she was postgraduate student at the Institute of Control Systems (earlier Cybernetics) of ANAS
In 2008 she defended her dissertation work on the theme «Development of the numerical methods of optimal control problems in the specific classes of functions» on speciality «05.13.18- Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software complexes»
In 2009 she get the scientific degree PhD in Physics and Mathematics and in 2012 the scientific title associate professor
In 2021 she get the scientific degree Doctor of Mathematics.
2007-2008-years Junior Scientist at the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS
2008-2009- years Senior Scientist at the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS
2010-2017 Leading Scientist at the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS
2009-2016 Associate professor at the department “Applied mathematics” at Azerbaijan State Oil & Industry University
2010-2019 Member of the Seminar of the Dissertation Council D01.121 of the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS
2017-2022 she was an associate professor at the department “Informatics” at Baku State University
Since 2020 she is a member of the Scientific seminar on the specialty 1203.01 – “Computer Sciences” of the Dissertation Council ED.1.19 of the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS
Since 2021 she is a member of the Dissertation Council ED.1.19 of the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS on the specialty 1203.01 – “Computer Sciences”
Since 2022 she is a professor at the department “Informatics” at Baku State University
Since 2020 she is a member of the Scientific seminar on the specialty 1203.01 – “Computer Sciences” of the Dissertation Council ED.1.19 of the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS
Programming language, modern programming languages, design and analysis of algorithms, multiprocessor computing systems
- She is a finalist of the intellectual competition “Development of science and the new achievements” held between young scientists by Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences in 2009
- She is a “Winner of Young Prize” by the Ministry of Young and Sport due to the day of young 2-nd February in 2011
- First place in the competition of “ICT-3, prize for the best articles in the field of ICT” held by the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan with The Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies in 2013 (in the frame of the year ICT-2013 )
- Third place in the competition on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the signing of “Contract of the Century " held by the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences in 2014.
- The physical and mathematical department of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences awarded Y.R. Ashrafova by “Honorary-diploma” in 2015, thanks to her scientific achievements.
- In 2016 she has successfully completed the Certificate Program on Thomson Reuters information resources for scientific research.
- She was a leader of the project “Numerical solution to boundary-value, coefficient-inverse, and optimization problems with respect to differential equations with nonlocal boundary conditions, as well as with given and not given initial conditions” (Grant No EİF/GAM-2-2013-2(8)-25/06/1) organized by Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2014-2015)
She was a participant in the following 3 projects
- “The development of mathematical methods and software for solution to problems of optimal control and of identification arising in underground hydrodynamics processes” (Project No. BBP-06) organized by US CRDF and Azerbaijan National Scientific Foundation in 2005-2006,;
- “The development of a unified approach and of software for numerical solution to optimization and inverse problems in distributed systems” (Project No. 06-1000017-8909), organized by European Union INTAS within the framework of the programme “Collaboration with South Caucasus Republics” in 2007-2008;
- “Development and application of numerical methods and software of the solution to problems of mathematical modeling and optimization of complicated systems”, (Grant No EIF-2010-1(1)-40/11-1) organized by Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2011-2012;
Total number of printed scientific publications: 132
Number of scientific publications in the journals indexed in Web of Science is 18 (7 of them are indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded),
Number of scientific publications in the journals indexed in Scopus is 22.
Web of Science Publons ID: I-1082-2014
ORCID Number:
Scopus Author ID: 42261115900 (Ashrafova Y.R.)
Scopus Author ID: 31168180300 (Ashrafova E.R.)
1. Ashrafova Y.R. Optimization of source parameters in non-local boundary conditions of a large system of ODE // Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, 2022, V.48, No.1, pp.150-163 (Web of science)
2.Aida-zade K.R., Ashrafova Ye.R. Optimization of Source Locations and Parameters for Network Structure Objects //Automation and Remote Control 2021 , V.82 №7 p.1201-1221. (Web of science SCI)
3. Aida-zade K.R., Ashrafova Ye.R. Control of influences in the right-hand sides of a large ODE system of a block structure and op-timization of sources in unseparated boundary conditions //Numerical analysis and applications, 2021, V.14,No 3, p.201-219 (Web of science ESCI)
4. Aida-zade K.R. Ashrafova Y.R. 2020 Numerical solution to an inverse problem on a determination of places and capacities of sources in the hyperbolic systems //Journal of industrial and management optimization American Institute mathematical sciences-AIMS, 2020, V.16, No.6, p.3011-3033 (Wos, if-1.366, Science Citation Index Expanded)
5. Aida-zade K.R., Ashrafova Y.R. 2020 Investigation of the problem of optimal control by a system ODE of block structure with blocks connected only by boundary conditions //“Optimization and Applications” part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science book series, (CCIS) Springer, 2020 Vol. 1145, p.367-378 (Scopus).
6. Ashrafova Y.R., Rasulova S.R. 2020 A problem of determining the places and capacities of sources described by hyperbolic equations / Abstracts of the 7th İnternational Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, 26-28 August 2020, Baku Azerbaijan, p.125-127. (Wos)
7. Aida-zade K.R. Ashrafova Y.R. 2018 Numerical solution of inverse problem on determination of leakage for unsteady flow in a pipeline network // Journal of Systems and Control, special issues (IFAC-PapersOnLine proceedings series), © 2019 Elsevier B.V. (Wos)
8. Aida-zade K.R. Ashrafova Y.R. 2017 Numerical Leak Detection in a Pipeline Network of Complex Structure with Unsteady Flow //Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2017, Vol. 57, No. 12, pp. 1919–1934. (Wos, if: 0.991, Science Citation Index Expanded)
9. Айда-заде К.Р. Ашрафова Е.Р. 2017 Численное решение задачи определения мест и объемов утечек при неустановившемся движении жидкости в трубопроводной сети сложной структуры, Журнал Вычислительной математики и математической физики, Т. 57, № 12, с. 36–52
10. Aida-zade K.R. Ashrafova Y.R. 2016 Calculation of the state of a system of discrete linear processes connected by nonseparated boundary conditions // Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics.: Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., No. 4, Vol. 10, pp. 1-13
11. Aida-zade K. R., Ashrafova Y. R. 2015 Solving Systems of Differential Equations of Block Structure with Nonseparated Boundary Conditions, Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Springer, Vol. 9, No. 1.pp.1-10.
12. Ашрафова Е.Р. 2015, Анализ длительности зависимости режима движения жидкости в трубопроводе от начальных режимов // Доклады Адыгской (Черкесской) Международной Академии Наук №2, c.9-16.
13. Ashrafova E.R. 2015 Numerical investigation of the duration of the effect exerted by initial regimes on the process of liquid motion in a pipeline //Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Springer, Vol.88, No.5,p.1-9. (Wos, Emerging Sources Citation Index)
14. Aida-zade K.R. Ashrafova Y.R. 2014 Optimal control of sources on some classes of functions //Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research, England, Taylor & Francis, Volume 63, Issue 7 (Wos, Science Citation Index Expanded )
15. Ashrafova Y. R. 2014 The numerical scheme of calculation of the regimes of fluid flow in the pipelines of complicated structure Transactions of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, “Informatics and Control Problems” series, vol.34, No.3.p.153-163. (in Russian)
16. Aida-zade K.R. Ashrafova Y.R. 2012 Localization of points of leakage in main oil pipelines under nonsteady state, Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermo-physics, Springer New York, Vol.85,No.5, 2012. pp 1148-1156 (Wos, Emerging Sources Citation Index)
17. Ashrafova Y.R. 2012 Optimal control of lumped sources in distributed-parameter systems on classes of impulse and Heaviside functions, Cybernetics and Systems analysis, Vol 48. No. 5, Springer New York, pp. 798-806. (Wos, Emerging Sources Citation Index)
18. Ashrafova Y.R. 2012 A problem of optimal control of the processes with unknown initial conditions / IV International Conference “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics”, Volume 4, IEEE Xplore Baku Azerbaijan, p.35-37, (Wos, Emerging Sources Citation Index)
19. Aida-zade K.R. Ashrafova Y.R. 2011 Optimal control problems of sources in Distributed systems on the classes of Impulsive, Piecewise constant and Heaviside Functions// J. of Automation and Information Sciences, Begel House, New York, 43(5), pages 64-82, DOI: 10.1615/JAutomatInfScien.v43.i5.60 (Wos, Sources Citation Index Expanded)
20. Ашрафова Е.Р. 2010 Оптимальное управление сосредоточенными источниками в распределенных системах на некоторых классах управлений //Известия НАНА, сер. «Информатика и проблемы управления», №6, стр. 50-58.
21. Rahimov A.B. Ashrafova Y.R. 2010 Optimal Control For Systems On Some Classes Of Control Functions / Selected Papers of Proceedings of 24th Mini Euro Conference “Continuous Optimization and Information- Based Technologies in the Financial Sector, (MEC EurOPT), Izmir, Turkey, pp. 141-147