Aliyeva Firuza Allahqulu
Lecturer of the Department of Informatics 0,5
Was born on November 23, 1976.
From 1984 to 1994 studied at school number 25 of the Sumgait.
In 1994 entered the Azerbaijan Technical University to the faculty of Informatics and calculation technique.
In 1998 completed bachelor degree in Computational Mathematics.
In 2005 graduated with honors from the master's program of Sumgait State University.
In 2016 graduated doctoral degree. Since 2015 works at the department of Informatics.
Since 2000 member of the New Azerbaijan Party.
In 1998 completed bachelor in Computational Mathematics.
In 2005 graduated with honors from the master's program of SSU.
In 2016 gaduated doctoral degree.
Since 2000 member of the New Azerbaijan Party.
In 2001-2003 worked as a teacher of Informatics in a Medical College.
Since 2009 worked as an Informatics teacher an hour calculation at Informatics department.
Since 2015 works in the position of a teacher at Informatics department. Teaching the lessons such as Informatics, ICT, Informatics and ICT in education.
An author of 13 articles
Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and management
1. F.A.Aliyeva. The planning of robot behavior activating in indefinite surroundings. The III scientific conference of Magistrantes, Sumgait, 2003, p.101-102
2. A.H.Naghiyev, F.A.Aliyeva. About a stochastic optimizing problem which is dealt with an operating affected integral Limitation. The III Republic Scientific Conference, Sumgait, 2012. p.97-98
3. A.H.Naghiyev, H.M Hashimova, F.A.Aliyeva. Scientific news about the testing of the pseudocasual numbers based on changeable voluminous realizations. Part of natural and technical sciences. Sumgait. 2012, №3, p.52-59
4. A.H.Nagiev, F.A.Alieva. About the arametrical identification of the mathematical modeling of the petrol oil hydrocleansing process. The news of Baku University, №3, 2013, p.103-111
5. A.H.Nagiev, F.A.Alieva. About a stochastic optimizing problem which is dealt with an operating affected integral limitation. The news of Baku University, №4, 2014, p.55-60
6. A.H.Nagiev, F.A.Alieva. About the optimal loading of the hydrocleaning, bloc of the catalytic cracking installation in the condition of a raw material process of the changing sulphur. The news of Azerbaijan Higher Technical Schools. volume 17 №4 (98), 2015, p.69-75
7. F.A.Alieva. Modern Scientific-Technical and Applied Problems of Energetic. The İnternational scientific conference. Sumgait, 2015, p.101-402
8. F.A.Alieva. About the optimal managing problems of the productive capacity according to the quality İndication of the raw material in interrupted production. The XIX Republic Scientific Conference of Doctorates and young explorers dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan Economic University, 2015, p.111-112
9. Nagiev A. G., Nagiyev H. A., Aliyeva F.A. Problem of Optimal Management of Resources of Industrial Production with Given Statistical Data of Disturbance Parameters. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016.
10. Nagiev A. G., Nagiyev H. A., Aliyeva F.A. Vibrational Control of Objects with Distributed Parameters Using Hydrotreating of Motor Fuelsas an Example. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016.
11. Nagiyev H. A., Aliyeva.F.A. Mathematical modeling of dynamics of the reactor hydrotreating hydrocarbon oils to control.Problems of modern science and education, 2016, №18(60) ,səh.23-27
12. F.A.Alieva. The model apply of hydrocleansing processes in a loading regime. Part of Natural and Technical sciences, 2016, №3, p.65-71
13. F.A.Alieva. The comporative verification of the standart pseudocasual numbers genertions based on empirical materials. The materials of the Republic scientific conference “The actual problems of the theoretical and applied mathematics” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the real member of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, an Honured Scientist, the doctor of pysics-mathematics, professor Majid Latif oğlu Latifov, Shaki -2016, p.106-108
14.A.G.Nagiev, F.A.Aliyeva and G.A.Nagiev. Numerical Investigation Of Oscillatory Modes Of Chemical-Engineering Processes With Distributed Parameters Using Hydrofining Of Motor Fuels As An Example, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, New York,Vol.53, Nos.7-8, November, 2017, p441-449.